

Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2011
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feeling very fed up now!!
im 2 days over due now.. seen my midwife this morning & was hoping for good news.. as per usual that didnt happen!

everythings fine with me & baby.. babys 1/5 so fully engaged!! midwife told me shes going to be a long/big baby as shes deeply engaged but i still have no room in my ribs :roll: also shes turned her back to mine.. so if i go into labour and shes not moved its gonna be painfull :(

but im not expecting to go into any time soon as when the midwife went to do a sweep she couldnt even tip the cervix :'( so ive got to see her again next tuesday to try for another sweep & if that doesnt work then some point next week i'll be induced.. something i really didnt want!

think my birth plans gone out the window now! i wanted a natural birth but now ive got a feeling im going to scream for an epidural if she doesnt turn.. i just hope i can push her out & dont end up with a c-sec :(

Sorry to hear that things aren't going quite as you'd planned :hug:. There is still time for her to turn back round isn't there before anything happens?
Hope things kick off for you before induction but I'm sure even if you do have to be induced you'll be fab ands will be well looked after x
Awwww I'm really sorry hon. I hope the LO has a wriggle round so she's not facing back to back and everything starts on its own. Can't say much to help but send out hugs xxxxx
All 3 of mine was back to back and no doubt this one will be! Nothing pethidine wont fix! It does hurt more but she can still turn! X
i hope she does turn :( no doubt she will, shes always changing bloody positions! just hope its before d-day! xx
get down on your hands and knees hun or lie down on the floor with your feet up on the sofa and a pillow under your bum! Got those tips from my ante natal class as two girls were told their babies are back to back.
yes I was told same thing as jomc. Have you got a birthing ball you can bounce on too?

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