22 Weeks Pregnant and considering sick leave


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Oct 14, 2010
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I have worked for my company for 4 and 1/2 years and am 23 weeks pregnant. I am having an awful time at work due to been one of two members in my team (with a workload of about 5 people!) and am finding work very stressful due to a couple of other people in my office who are making my life a misery. I have suffered from panic attacks and dread going to work in the mornings and am usually sick before (sometimes during) and after work. I am worried about my baby (but have been reassured by my GP that everything is fine thankfully!!) I really do not want to let anyone down at work but don't think I can continue working.
It will not be possible for me to return to work as my job will no longer be available after Maternity leave so I already know that I will be made redundant whilst on Maternity leave but am now worried about getting another job when I return to another job after baby is born if I get signed off work. Is it possible for me to be signed off for some or all of the remaining 10 weeks before I planned to start maternity or will I sacrifice much needed pay?
I hope that someone can help me and any advice would be really appreciated. Many thanks in advance
Hey! Sounds like your gainful a terrible time. I have a funny feeling you don't get paid if signed off? May be wrong though. At least if you are made redundant you can claim maternity allowance, which would help a lot, but as for the sick thing, I think you have to survive on little or no money. Difficult decision for you, I don't really know enough about pay law to help x
Im pretty sure they cant make you redundant whilst on maternity leave I maybe wrong. You can go on sick but your first few weeks pay are based on the average earnings before you go on leave I think or they are with my job. You will be entitled to smp though. Youve got to do whats right for you and your baby, being stressed is not good for either of you. Your wellbeing is priority x
Thats exactly how i felt, i went to my GP and she signed me off for 2 weeks with anxiety. It definitely worth asking if you are feeling that bad as i have now been off a week and a half and am feeling much calmer, not sure how i will feel when i have to go back though.
Good luck tho hun and i hope u feel better soon.
I would check what your company policy is with regards to sick pay - some places pay you full pay for quite a long time, so if you could get that it might not be a bad idea - is there a company handbook or something you could have a look at?
I think if you go off sick within 6weeks of due date they can make you start maternity, anything before that is seen as standard sickness leave

I work in public sector so could get 6months if I needed it!

can you not have a word with your manager and tell him/her you are struggling a bit?
I have been of sick, baby related, since the 18th of June, they cant give you a sick note anymore it a is "not fit for work not" so they would have to think that you werent fit for work before giving you a note. I get paid full for 3 month for being off

If you are off on the "sick" 6 weeks before the due date your work will automatically start your Maternity leave for you

Also my friend just got paid off from our work and she is on maternity leave, is there is no job for you to go back to you can be made redundant, I think that my post will no longer be there when I go back to work

how about asking the doctor to even give you a note to cut your hours, being stuck in the house is no fun trust me and my work isnt that great either and i would do anything to go back for another few weeks xx
The office I work in is closing next year when I will be on mat leave. You can be made redundant while on mat leave or pregnant but they can't make you redundant due to the pregnancy. Like some of the girls said you should check your work policy, even try speak to the hr dept. If you usually get paid for being off sick then you should get paid. But if you don't usually get paid then they won't pay you but you may be entitled to statutory sick pay. X
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I think the sick leave pay wise depends on your company - ive been off sick for about a month and a half pregnancy related due to the dizziness and fainting and im getting full pay but alot of places dont give you that - note sure regarding having to start the maternity early if your off as im leavinf before im due to start maternity ~(long story) hope you get everything sorted xo
Thanks so much for the advice I will check my contract and employment handbook - I usually get paid in full for sickness but I have never had longer than 5 days off previously as have always just self certed so will need to check this.

Does anyone know if I do get 'signed off' with anxiety this will affect my future employment? I don't think its a pregnancy related illness so will be treated as 'normal' sickness??? x
I know at my work being signed off with anxiety is still classed as due to pregnancy, so yours should be similar hun.
it shouldnt affect your next employment and if it did then I would be asking why, plus this anxiety is pregnancy related so think that it wouldnt even be considered in your next job xx

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