20weeks scan


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2011
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hya, im sooo excited for my 20weeks scan soon. I was wondering for those who have already had it how long did it take to find out the sex of your baby and what did it feel like as soon as they told you? was it amazing? hehexxx
Hey hun, I haven't had my 20 weeks scan yet (its next week) but I had a private sexing scan when I returned to my home town for a visit a couple of weeks ago, it took him about 10-20 mins to confirm it was a girl because she was lying awkwardly and had her legs crossed. I had my mum, sister, dad and husband in the room, I welled up and started laughing, my mum n sister were squealing their heads off (they were hoping for a niece/granddaughter), my husband nearly started crying (with joy!!) and my Dad is the strong silent type so just sat there and smiled lol. Honestly it was just amazing hearing those words 'You're having a baby girl' its just so personal and amazing when you find out, I didn't think it'd feel like that lol. You got any hunches as to what you're having? xx
had mine last week and it was lovely. Took about 15 minutes and the sonographer was just looking at all organs etc in a lot more detail to make sure everything was growing properly. Was lovely to see bean again bouncing around. Didnt find out the sex of our baby but have put scan up if you want to try guess. Good luck with your scan :) xx
Im the same as Lauren, ive got my 20 week scan on the 14th, but I had a 4d sexing scan, it took her a couple of mins to confirm I was having a little lady as she was in the right position. I was convinced I was having a boy but when she told me I was wrong I started crying, happy crying though :)
I never found out with Adam and both ways have been a great experiance.
Goodluck for you scan hunny, hope baby cooperates :) Do you have any thoughts on whether your team pink or blue? x x

I found out a few weeks ago. I was convinced I was having a boy and when she told me it was a girl I was a bit suprised but very reserved as she said 'i think it's a girl'. I then held off getting too excited about it because I was so convinced it was a boy. I had another scan last week and asked the sonographer if she could check the sex for me as I wasn't 100% convinced. She pulled it up on the screen and there as clear as day wa my little girl sitting with her legs round her head so could see everything. Since then I've become a bit more relaxed about it as I'm confident in what I saw never mind sonographer and I think it's starting to hit home a bit more now.
My OH doesn't know what flavour we're having as he wants it as a suprise. I'm finding it very hard to keep it a secret though. I wish he'd just break so I could show him the cute little outfits I've bought for her!! xxx
awwww i cant wait after hearing all these lovely stories :). Well i had a dream that i was pregnant a week before i found out and it was a girl in the dream but other than that i dont know, cant wait to find out! xxx

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