20 Weeks today

Woop congrats :) im 16wks today seems to be going quick :) x
Yeah nice to be getting past half way point - i'm 19 weeks today and really feel prego now babes kicking! R u getting nice movement now?
Not too sure if i am feeling movement or not, I can feel something but dont know if it is stretching or bubs moving but I do know that bubs is ok as I had a listen in last night with my doppler. Will have to wait until I am 21 and half weeks for my scan.
I am 20 + 4 :D its great to be past halfway, feels like we are counting down now rather than up!

I just had my 20 week and dispite not feeling much movement (i sort of can but i dont know!) and bubs is ABSOLUTELY fine, no problems with anything and the scan itself was absolutely magical, hearing them run through all babies bits and pieces and saying 'looks good' 'happy with kidneys' 'happy with skull' 'heart is perfect'

is just fantastic and all while your looking at this screen showing this person inside of you... and he moved and looked at us and everything it really was very special

me and OH just sat in there gazing at it and then gazing at eachother and then gazing at it

it was like... 'OMG WE MADE THAT'

i was terrified before my scan though, well scared that everything wasnt okay but my baby is perfect and yours will be too :D
well done only 20 weeks to go now

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