20 Week Scans


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2007
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Hi Guys

Just really wanted to do a poll on when you had your 20 week scan as some hospitals are not offering them until 23 weeks just would be interested to know!

Thanks for your time guys

Hope you are all well and enjoying the weather

Really I should click 20, 21 and 22 cause our little girl is so naughty it took three scans for them to finally get all their checks done but my first and should have been only scan was at 20+4 weeks it was only because baby was so low down and hidding all her bottom half that we had to have more scans
IM with Fanrborough hospital and they only do them from 23 weeks, I was gutted at first but dead excited that we will get to see even more now also the last time we some Baby O was about 12 weeks ago so quite alot has happened in that time :)
theres not an option for NO anomoly scan, my nhs doesnt do them
No scan here either, only the 12 week one which is long gone for me already :(
mine was at 19+2... they kept themselves to themselves during the scan & i think it was a big dissappointment to be honest as we only got to see the baby for a min or so.
I was 20+3 and it was a lovely scan, the lady was friendly, showed me all parts of the baby and explained what she was doing as she did it. It was wonderful to see she'd grown in to a proper little person from a bean.

Only thing they didnt bother with is the sex, she didnt care, and didnt make any effort to pretend she did either
Sorry to those who do not get offered Anomoly scan I was shocked to read this and it makes you wonder what cut backs they are going to make in the future.

I know at the hospital im under which is Pembury in Kent they charge you £120 for the nuchal tests now which before was free and also they do not offer any free ante-natal classes.

Btw im getting my scan at 23+2 by my dates but I think junior is bigger than they like and they are considering forwarding my dates possibly by a week!

Anyway thanks for all your responses and its a real eye opener.

Thanks again
I put 20 weeks in the poll as thats the standard for my area, but in truth I had my scan at 21 weeks with my first baby and 19 weeks this time!
I will be one day off 21 weeks when I have mine so I chose 21 weeks.
haven't had my appointment yet but think it'll be sometime in June - they are so laid back here lol but have said it'll be around the 20 week mark.. can't wait!
My hopital only offer 1 scan and I've had it already. I will be going private for a scan around 20 wks though.

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