20 week scan


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2006
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Just got back from the scan, baby would'nt let us no the sex!
they did'nt say anything to us about the baby all they said was they would send the messurements to my midwife.
I am realy conserned now that baby is ok in my last scan and will all Lukes they put it in my notes while I was there.
dose this mean there is something wrong?
I have to wait till the 15th now to see my consultant
:? seems a bit strange that they didnt let you know the measurements, maybe they just couldnt be botherd to fill it in. There could be a number of reasons, but surely they would have told you there and then if something was wrong with baby.

Bit of a bumer you didnt get to find out the sex.
Baby did the same at my appointment... look on the brightside it'll be a nice surprise :D
Im feeling so impatient and I musnt because when I go to my scan in two weeks il be gutted if bubs wont let me find out!!!!
I have mine on Thursday and i'm sooooo desperate to find out what we're having, OH keeps winding me up saying hope they have their legs crossed so i can't find out.

3 days is sooooooo long to wait!!
I got another 2 weeks and two days...its dragging, you only got 3 more sleeps you lucky thing!
Another thing was The forehead seemed a bit big and i cant remember Lukes and i cant find his picture is that normal or not.
I worry a bit as my brother is mentaly disabled you see
cab'o'holic said:
Another thing was The forehead seemed a bit big and i cant remember Lukes and i cant find his picture is that normal or not.
I worry a bit as my brother is mentaly disabled you see

:hug: hun I know your worried, but your just going to stress yourself out and get worked up if you carry on worrying about it. keep pecker up love :hug: xx
yeah, as violet said, don't stress yourself out hun, your probably worrying over nothing big hugs xxx :hug:
Im sure all is fine bird, You never know they may have been rushed off there feet today, perhaps they didnt have time to write it all down? (even though they should have) try not to think the worst hunny xxx
hi cab'o'holic........if i were you i would ring the midwife this aftrenoon & explain to her what has happened today & see what she says.

the hosp sound useless, they should never leave someone feeling like this, especially with your history :wall:

good luck & let us know what you do hun.xx
I have tried phoning and there is no answer I think I need to move the helth servise here is crap, on my notes it had midwifes number ring on a mon 9 till 10am how good is that when you are in labour,
when I had Luke she went on holiday and I got a student delivering him by herself!
They sound like utter rubbish hun. I would suggest having a private scan but there a bit pricey arnt they. Kick the midwifes butt when you get hold of her :D xx
Thats the same as the midwifes here hun, you can only speak to them between 8.30 and 9.30 am Monday to Friday and if outside those times its your GP or maternity ward-useless!!
Hi been to see midwife today, everything is fine she said that is how some of them do it by forwarding it on to her first!
just wish she had told me then that all was ok.
but at least i can stop the worrying now.
thanks for all the suport dont know what i would do without u lot :hug:
See told you so :moon: ...sorry couldnt resist lol

Glad everythings alright :hug: ..you've got a tuff little cookie baking in that oven of yours :wink: xx
Your a bigger worry wart than me, but i'm really glad everythings ok! :hug: xxxx
Thank you :hug:
Im so please the baby is ok
I have also been referd back to just the midwife as the passing out is happening only about once a week now so its getting better, but still not allowed to drive or work!

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