20 week scan update and photo of bump


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2007
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Hi All

well the scan went really well and no abnormalities were found with bump. Bump was really stubbon and wouldnt pose nicely for a picture even though we were there for about 20 mins with the scan woman poking and prodding, making me turn over and coughing to try and get stubbon one to move and give mummy and daddy a smile but no he/she wasnt having none of it. Tried to get the scan lady to tell us the sex of the baby but nope was having none of it, even offered to pay her on the side but nope that didnt work either :rotfl: when she checked the hips and stuff I tried to have a look and thought I saw a dilly willy but hubby was convinced he didnt see dilly willy and was 99% sure it's a girl :rotfl: so none the wiser on the sex of lo but im still convinved it's a boy as i'm having the same pregnancy as i've had with my previous boy pregnancies and i'm not having a girlie pregnancy like I had with Joanna. Oh well will find out in the near future and right now I could do with time slowing down with the stress i'm having regarding house moving. I will probably be disapeering offline pretty soon but my text buddy minky will keep you all updated. Here's a photo of bump, please notice i've edited it and hope this stops people from messing with my photos.
Awww how cute, he looks like a lil man to me, i just had the boy feeling when i saw him.....lol.

Shame you couldnt find out, at least you get a good surprise though.
Big smiles! I know what this baby means to you so you must be so utterly pleased that everything is ok!

I had my scan yesterday so I know how elated you're feeling. I read through my copy of my notes this afternoon and I was really impressed by how thorough their examination of the baby is at this stage.

Congratulations to you :cheer:
Aww hun thats lovely!! Glad baby nice and healthy!! :D
Great picture :cheer:

Hope the house move isn't too stressful :hug:
people say that if baby is being difficult it might be a girl..and boys are easier to detect cos of their willy
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:


Glad it went well!

Yeah I'll keep everyone updated for you (I'm Minky on msn - not a weirdo with different names like has been happening recently re on another thread)

offered to pay her on the side :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Glad it all went well tho even if bump was being awkward :lol:
Glad everything went well, you have a nice suprise to look forward to.

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