20 week scan tomorrow......updated

Tracey S

Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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I have got a busy few days ahead of me......

Tomorrow is my 20 weeks scan, I am a bit apprehensive , but I suppose it is understandable as it was at my 20 weeks scan last time that we began to find out the extent of Heidi's problems.

But thankfully all seems to be going well this time around, The amnio results came back normal and the baby is moving around lots. I am looking forward to it, but in a way I cant let myself go. But hopefully everything will be ok this time and we will get a good look at baby.

Then on Saturday I am getting married :D We are having a hotel wedding and I am so excited. I cant wait to get into my dress, and seeing all my friends and family.

I cant wait

Tracey xx
Aww yay!! Thats a great weekend for you!
I want lots of pics please! Of both the scan and your wedding!! :D
I cant wait to get married but mines still a loooong way off yet! :D :hug:
wooooo good luck with the scan tomorrow hun and good luck with the wedding Saturday - what a busy weekend!! :D
hi good luck for ur scan i hope its super news for u xxx
wow how exciting to be getting married! its our 6month anniversary in 3 days :)
getting married is so exciting- u will have lots of pics to show us xx
Good luck with your scan tomorrow hun and good luck with the wedding on saturday :)
Good luck for your scan, I'm sure everything will be fine.

Have a fab day on Saturday, don't forget we'll need piccys of you looking fab! :D
Ooo how exciting!! I hope you have a lovely scan tomorrow and a beautiful wedding saturday!! Hope you post some pics of both LO and your wedding day :hug: x
Good luck with the scan and wedding, don't forget to post pics of both. xx
Good luck for your scan, due date buddy! Are you going to find out the sex?

Also have a fab day on Saturday - look forward to seeing some piccies!
Good luck for your scan hun & have a fab day on Saturday, can't wait to see your photos :D
OMG How exciting is that - Have a fab weekend and post loads of piccies on your return.

Have a fab weekend! :cheer:
Back from my scan :D

Everything is ok :cheer: we got a good look at baby, and he even waved to us :D

He was laid a bit arkward and I had to roll onto my side so the lady could see the top of his spine. but he shifted eventually.

We got some brilliant pics which no doubt will be shown off to everyone tomorrow at the wedding.

Now we know that he is ok we can go ahead and relax tomorrow and enjoy our day.

I feel so relieved.

Tracey xx
Ahh so pleased for you hun, now you can enjoy your special day knowing your little man is fine

Have a lovely wedding

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Yaya.. im so happy for you!!
Hope you have a fab day tomorrow :clap:

congratulations on ur scan results- hope u have a wonderful wedding tomorrow xx

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