1st time mum and new around here!


Active Member
Jul 9, 2012
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Hi Everyone

Sorry if the following is like war and peace. I've been reading some really interesting threads on here so thought I would sign up. I love getting advice from women who have gone through or are going through the same experiences as me.

Me and OH are over the moon to have discovered that we are expecting. This will be my first baby but my OH's third! And I have to say that If I have to hear him say one more thing about his other childrens mothers experiences during pregnancy I may throttle him and blame the hormones! LOL

I have my first scan on 30 July and cant wait to see (what we lovingly refer to as) Bumpy Jones! I am a worrier and worry if I dont have anything to worry about but this has come at a fantastic time for us coz we are getting married at the end of September!

I am slightly concerned that so far I've not experienced nausea or sickness but so many people have told me that I may get away with none at all. I do, however, have dreadful indigestion (I never suffered before I got pregnant), sore breasts and severe tiredness. Has anyone else suffered from these?

I have been banned from watching OBEM and all other maternity related programmes by OH and Mum so I am on here secretly!

I am so excited and worried and blessed and anxious .... Lets see what happens next :wave:
Hi Joanne,

Im a 1st time Mum too, how many weeks are you?

I was ok until week 5 then i started feeling awful, im nearly 7 weeks and really finding it hard to get through the days! The worst for me is tiredness and sore boobs!

Im scared to death too hehe
Congratulations and welcome to PF. How many weeks are you?

You will find a wealth of information on here and everyone is so helpful and lovely! It is much better to ask for advice on here rather than googling everything as you will worry even more...that's coming from experience lol!!!

Everyone is different and experiences different symptoms at different times but just try to relax and enjoy your pregnancy...easier said than done I know and I'm actually laughing at myself for putting that as I'm a fine one to talk!!

Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months.

Congratulations and welcome, I have the tiredness too but its a good excuse for an afternoon nap :) i dont have indigestion but really bad sickness, this will be my second baby but my first ones an angel so I'm yet to learn alot about being a mummy, how exciting having a wedding to plan too :) xx
Thank you so much for your lovely messages

I am now 9 weeks. I always imagined that you would feel different but apart from the sore boobs, tiredness and lack of libido (sorry tmi!) i dont feel any different. I should count myself lucky if I can get through this pregnancy without the sickness.:)

Thank you so much for your lovely messages

I am now 9 weeks. I always imagined that you would feel different but apart from the sore boobs, tiredness and lack of libido (sorry tmi!) i dont feel any different. I should count myself lucky if I can get through this pregnancy without the sickness.

I am a first time mum too :) and thank god I haven't been sick once so far, I also had and still have sore boobs, tiredness and lack of libido (big time - not good for the hubby lol) but better than being sick.

Wish you a happy and healthy pregnancy :) x
Congratulations! It is a very strange experience, some days you do feel completely normal and just not pregnant at all. I think it will change as you start to get a proper bump...I'm still waiting lol xx
Hi and congrats! Each pregnancy is different and some women on here haven't experienced any symptoms. Sit back and enjoy the ride! Xxx
Hi Joanne,
I am 8 weeks and was sick for the first time today, but I think this is because I have the most dreadful cough and as a newly pregnant lady (hee hee) I'm not allowed any medicine besides paracetamol! Like you I've been exhausted a lot of the time without doing anything over and above. I have a new bedtime! Hoping the promises of an energetic second tri are true!!

Look forward to sharing a journey xx
Hi Joanne.

I'm another first timer.

Almost 7 weeks and I've not been sick yet or felt too bad. But I do have indigestion pain really bad if I eat or drink the wrong thing!

Also have sore boobs and lots of gas.

I'm a huge worrier. Just desperately trying to get to my scan on Aug 14th!

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