1st Pregnancy due 8th Jan 06


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May 17, 2005
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I'm heading into my seventh week of pregnancy baby due Jan 06. My 1st time pregnant, lucky for us we only tried for a couple of months so a bit of a shock but so happy at the same time. Anyway you go onto all these websites and read all the books and it seems you never know whats normal and what isnt. My boobs are sore, but no sickness as yet! I do often get pains in my abdomen, is that normal? (everytime it happens I panic a little) I pee alot and get really tired It doesnt help so many people I work with have horror stories of pregnancy gone wrong, when they dont know your pregnant its a bit hard to tell them to shut up. So anyway anyone out there who has similar probs and feelings let me know I'm not the only one!! I just want to get past the 1st 12 weeks and I'll be fine
Hi Michelle

Im 4 weeks pregnant and i too have been having stomach pains, sometimes they are quite severe but apparently its normal so im trying not to worry, also lower back pain, and as i work in an office andam sitting down during the day its 10 times worse. i have my first midwifes appointment tomorrow so i should find out my due date but i thinks its toards the end of Jan. I too am trying to get through the 1st 12 weeks i ant wait for my first scan so it will seem real.
Hi Michelle, I'm exactly the same it is my first and we were trying for 3 months, so over the moon, but every cramp I get worried! I want this baby so bad that I worry something will go wrong! I should really be enjoying it, will be alot better after first scan! once I know that my body is doing a good job! Looking at baby stuff, but I will wait until my scan, I visit the midwife on Monday so I will feel better then, Just soo tired, I work in a small office and the coffee smell makes me feel abit iffy, but so far so lucky!

I think the best thing is just to take one step at a time, if anything happens I think I am far enough to know! Just enjoy the ride!

Hope to speak to you all soo, I like to hear that I'm Not crazy!

P.s does anyone have mood swings yet? Ohh well just me


I too have been getting funny little twinges in my stomach.

One of the worst was when I stood up quickly in a restaurant, and had to sit down again. My mum freaked out a bit, but this was about three weeks ago and I am still pregnant, so I guess it was just the baby trying to bury itself into the womb or something.

I am still getting up really slowly though. I look like an OAP getting off the sofa or out of the bath. :D

I am starting to realise that a lot of the strange things I have felt are ferfectly normal. They don't talk about twinges or trapped wind in the pregnancy books do they! Thank goodness for this forum!

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