1st period question

Sorry Katrina i have no idea what to expect! hope its just normal length :shock: !

my sister said she had a couple of really heavy ones before things settled down and then they were better than before she had kids. fingers crossed eh?

guess everyone is going to be different with this :wink:

This is my third period after Naomi, and she's four months old. I didn't have one till eleven weeks after she was born, and I breastfed for 6 weeks.


Thanks girls, mine just keeps coming and going cant make up its mind everytime i think its gone there it is.
Hope we all donthave nasty longones mine used to last 6 days and im on my 4th day .
i had to go in a nice hot bath last night to try ease the cramp, boy was that a huge mistake its made it ten times heavier :( i have the docs today with colby so im going to just mention it to them as i feel this is far to heavy and the cramp is terrible

take care girls
hope it gets better today hun. hate those crampy pains :(

I still haven't had mine and I don't want it back. Am dreading it :(

Well i think mineis gone now... fingers crossed.
weestar21 hope you feel better
beanie dont worry your time will come :D lol
Last night we went shopping to asda, i decided to wear a tampon and a towel just incase as i knew we would be gone for a bit. OMG i was standing at the checkouts and my OH said youve sat in something so i went into the toilet and i was coverd :cry: :evil: Its so heavy today sorry about all this info but im starting to get a bit worried as my periods were always normal and im anemic as it is :? going to invest in shares with tampax and always....lol :lol:
oh hun you poor thing :(

are you on iron tablets? might help with aneamia? maybe go to docs if its this bad - mine is heavier than normal but not too bad.

fingers crossed it calms down today

Hi hun ive been on iron tabs and injections ever since i had Adele i even had to get a blood transfussion after my waters broke with Adele but nothing seems to help. Im due to start taking the pill again on friday but thinking of just taking it today see if it helps calm things down again. Im only on the pill till i get an appointment to get the coil fitted just hope that my periods dont end up like this all the time after getting the coil in :?

Should i just take the pill today or do u think it will just make it worse?
no idea i'm afraid - never been on the pill.

i'd forgotton how much i hate periods :x

i think people take it if they have really heavy periods so it might help :? cant see it will hurt taking it a day early and see how it goes?

Thanx hun i just took it anyway but i dont think it will make any difference..lol Colby has her assesment today so hers hopping i dont have another accident like last night...pmsl :oops: :oops:

at least i see the funny side now...hehehe
strap a few of her nappies together hun - that should do the trick! :lol:

its my worst nightmare that i leak everywhere :oops: hope i can handle it with your good humour if it happens :D

Am using my first tampons today - god it feels weird!

Although I hate AF the good news is now I can start TTC, maybe this will be my last for another year :D :D :D
My God Rosieroo you're braver than i am! cant imagine starting all over again with being pregnant and everything just yet! in a way i'd like to as would make sense while my body is wrecked anyway! but just couldnt face it yet (and i enjoyed pregnancy!)

I'm looking forward to the next one and there is nothing i really dread or anything about it just simply dont feel ready yet!

well good luck ttc - how long did you take with ella?

We were lucky with Ella - I got AF when we were on hols, flew back on a Saturday, a week later we had 'the talk' followed by 2 weeks frantic BD and I got my BFP about a week after that :D So first month! I wasn't on the pill though, came off of it the year before when I had a foot op and decided to give my body a break from it. We'd been using the withdrawal method :oops: for over a year, so I assumed that it would take ages for me to get pg as we hadn't been caught out before.
I've been mentally ready for a baby since just after Ella was born (about 3 days). I've lost nearly all my baby weight (put on over 3 and a half stone). My belly still feels a bit flubby but I don't think it's ever going to be the same anyway. However my ladies bits are a concern, am worried that I will tear REALLY bad next time due to the way things have healed. Still have to take things really slow when we DTD. Oh well, will be interesting to see how it all pans out :D

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