1st Birthday & Christmas!


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2010
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Layla was born on Christmas Eve so I am beginning to think about what to get her for both! I saw the following advert on tv in the week and wondered whether any of you have got it at all and could recommend it?


What else could I get her? I have no clue! I just really do not know where to start! Any help or advice on great toys which would last her too would be a great help! Thank you :) xx
That looks good.

AJ's birthday and xmas are just over a month apart. For his 1st birthday/xmas we got him a smart trike, started his Disney DVD collection, ELC garage, music instruments, just lots of things that he could grow into. :) x
yeah thats what i was thinking of doing getting stuff that she could "grow into". There is just so much out there its so hard to choose!!! lol xx
we are getting lo a smart trike and swing for the garden,dunno which way round yet but the swing we would get for the summer anyway so we thought we might as well get it him as his big present fir either bday or xmas as we were stuck for what else we could get for a big present other than the trike x
thats a good idea... i need a little swing for our new garden when we move! thank you! x
little nick nacks like books and music instruments then getting her a smart trike and possibly a rocking horse then getting her a swimming costume and new pjs and dressing gown to match from disney store a push along walker possibly

amelias birthday is 21st so it will just be split over birthday and christmas
smart trike is fab,,, defo worth the money! bounce n spin zebra we got madison at 10 months and she was mental on it! :)
we got her a little tikes castley slide thing but we keep it indoors :lol:
fisher price my first doll and walker pram is fab
tbh she has everything and above is what she plays with mainly

oh and a good old box of mega bloks has been v valuable and is fab for when other esp older boys come to our house! :)

for crimbo this year shes getting bike and kitchen and few extra so too old for layla!

i seen that elephant somewhere recently i think for £15 ill have a nose for u!! xx
Oh link me Lisa if you find as I'm after that :)
aaawww thanks girlies and yeah £15 quid sounds fab hun - link would be very much appreciated :) xx
thank you so much hun. am i right in saying that the elephant one doesn't play music? xx
dont think so chick no , my friends we girl had the other one i loved it?!!! xx
on the description it doesnt mention music on the elephant one? but does on the other one lol.... confusion hehe xx
Im getting M a pushchair and dolly for her christmas pressie managed to get her a beautifull rag doll, some puzzles, books and dvds, a really cute jumper, a ball pit and balls, and some sock animals. For her birthday ivve got her a smart trike and am going to get her a bangle and shes getting a climbing frame from my parents xx

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