1st appt today - what to ask?


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2010
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Hi all

I'm a newbie to all this, 9 weeks pregnant with my 1st but didnt find out til 8 weeks and I haven't got a clue about it all!

I've got my first appointment later today about the pregnancy - have been to the docs once already to get it confirmed and find out how far gone I am. I don't know yet my due date or exactly how far gone I am so feeling very in the dark at the mo Noone knows except my mum and hubby.

My doctor is doing it as there wasn't an appt with the midwife - will this mean I get less info? I really want to know what's hapenning and basically what sort of things will I be told and what should I ask about?

Any advice would be very much appreciated as I feel totally on my own at the mo! (hubbys away and i live far from my mum)

Tbh a lot of it is just paperwork! Questions about your family history, your lifestyle, diet etc. You should be given a pregnancy book and lots of other leaflets and things. You'll probs have a blood test if doc didn't do one already, and they might check your urine for protein levels. You don't really get a proper due date till your dating scan :)
i think all they do is tell you how to keep healthy. ask you about your birthing plans. take your weight and height possibly do blood and urine tests etc nothing to worry about i have been told. i got mine on Fri lol :) thats about all i know.
Thanks girls my mum said its a good idea to write down what I want to ask as there is a tendancy to forget once you get in there! I've text hubby and asked him if he knows anything about issues his side of the family so hopefully he'll get back to me.

This probably sounds silly but how do you all know exactly how many weeks and days gone you are for your things at the bottom of your messages? If you havent had dating scan yet do you just estimate? So if the doc said I was 9 weeks yesterday, I'd say I was 9 weeks +1 day?
Mine was just a guess but I *think* my last period was 26th feb and they do it by that date, but nothing can be definite!

To find out your estimated due date you take the 1st date of your last AF xx
Cool I can get my own ticker too. :dance:

Hubby just replied and said that his mum had a c-section with his sister as she was the wrong way round but apart from that he doesn't know of anything so that's good.

Must remember to tell doc I'm rhesus negative, although they must test you for that anyway?
Ok, just got back, massive anti-climax, have to wait for the midwife to call me for the *proper* appointment! Oh well it's another step done!
Aww that's a shame, it'll get more exciting as it goes on though lol!
In a way I'm kind of jealous that you've found out quite late cos I've known since just over 4 weeks and it seems to be taking sooo long to get towards 13 weeks! :)
I know, blimey I feel like 3 weeks until my scan is forever, god knows how I would've been if I'd known earlier!
I do have the worry though of all the bad things I was doing before I knew - drinking, some smoking (given both up completely now), eating french cheese, loads of tea and coffee....!!! :booboo:
I think I would normally have twigged earlier but my periods had been really irregular so I didn't think about doing a test until I was 10 days late - and it turned out that one of the 'periods' I had was bleeding due to the egg implanting :shock:

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