1st Antenatal Class


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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I left an hour early and I'm not going again :shakehead:

It terrified me! Seriously, I can't go again :( I started getting all sweaty and irritable, hot then cold. I think my nerves got the better of me.

Mum said tonight "are you ok? You're really quiet?" and I think that's down to the Antenatal Class. :think: It's seriously got me thinking that I don't want to know TOO much about it all. I've looked into all the available pain relief and at the moment, that's as far as I'm willing to go (or as far as my nerves will let me go!)

I mean, it was handy, don't get me wrong. I learned about not being allowed to wear nail varnish etc... But to be honest, until she started going into the scary stuff, she was asking loads of questions about early labour. I really do think I was the most "informed" person there! I didn't realise how much I knew just from this forum being so informative.

I think in my case ignorance will be bliss... I learn a lot from here already and whatever will happen will happen!

I very rarely go into Announce Your New Arrival section and when I do, I look at the pics and that's that! I daren't read what happened to get the baby out lol. :lol:

When she said she would demonstrate what happens to your pelvis/baby, I just told my Mum I didn't feel well and we left. I seriously breathed a sigh of relief walking outside of that Health Centre and it's started to make me wonder if booking an appointment to see the labour ward is actually a good idea?! :think:

Anyway, that was my evening!! x
dannii87 said:
I mean, it was handy, don't get me wrong. I learned about not being allowed to wear nail varnish etc...

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

WHAT. Why can't you wear nail varnish??? Well, I can't have a baby in that case :shakehead: . Last thing I will thinking about when in labour is taking my nail polish off :lol: .

I agree with not needing to know too much detail before hand. The way I'm looking at it is that it's got to come out but it's ashame it's coming out the way it went in.
I probably shouldn't be posting in here really as I don't join you all for another 4 weeks yet but I like to be nosey! :oops:
Sorry to hear you didn't enjoy your classes. You will be absolutely fine at the birth. Yes it will be pain like you have never felt before (sorry I don't mean to make you feel worse!) BUT you will have your mum with you and she's been there before so she will be able to support you through it. There are also so many different pain relief methods these days so if at the time your feeling like you can't go on (i'm really sorry, i'm not wording this right at all! :oops: ) then the option to have an eppidural is there and with those I don't think you feel anything at all. And you don't need to know whats going on "down there" at the time if you don't want to. Maybe you could talk to your midwife about how your feeling? She might be able to give you some reassurance. Also Tommy's baby charity have a helpline (only open mon - fri 9 - 5) and a website, they might be able to give you some advice.
Hope this helps. sending you lots of :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh no!! Sorry it didn't go well hun.
Definately don't go back if it's making you anxious. :hug: :hug:

I agree with you on the fact this this forum tells you loads...I was the same at my class...I sort of knew all the important stuff cos I learnt it all on here...don't know what i'd do without it. :D
awww danni im sorry you found it all so upsetting :hug:

i agree you with you about this forum, when i went to parentcraft i was amazed at how much id learnt from this place, the others seemed clueless

i would do what you feel is best, you can get most info you want off here, midwife etc so if thats what makes you happier you do that :hug:
I had my 1st class last night too and I just found it crap, like you I knew all the stuff she said and alot more from being on here, we just spent AGES talking crap and fnding out each others names, doing stupid games that teach us stuff we dont need to know, I really have learnt 1000000000000000000's more things just from reading on here and the ask a mum section so dont think i'll bother with anoher either. OH hated it too!!!xx
Hazel said:
dannii87 said:
I mean, it was handy, don't get me wrong. I learned about not being allowed to wear nail varnish etc...

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

WHAT. Why can't you wear nail varnish??? Well, I can't have a baby in that case :shakehead: . Last thing I will thinking about when in labour is taking my nail polish off :lol: .

I think it's a general thing when you're in hospiptal incase you have to go under anesthetic - they can eaily see your blood is flowing properly if your nails are still 'pink' but can't see that if you have dark colour on them...at least that's what I remember. :think:
Hi Dannii

I know what you mean. I had my first antenatal class last week and walked out feeling depressed and had another one last night and things didn't improve. The classes don't seem to give any positive information. I would love to stop going but DH would go nuts, and I have another 5 more to attend :( :(

Glad you were able to walk out though :hug: :hug:

My daughter is saying "Why would I want to go?" and I understand why though I have suggested she consider the other side of classes. She's a junior doctor, currently working on her six months of Obs. and Gynae. We joke that she's safer not coming onto Forums after a thirteen hour night shift in case she finds she hasn't smiled enough!! Lol! Seriously, I don't think its purely about techie knowledge at the classes, though. Unlike me, over twenty five years ago she might know everything there is to know about the process but I felt I got something quite different out of classes. I was a young graduate in London where I knew very few people and all of those I knew were working. At the classes I met other young mums and those friendships have stayed with me throughout the rest of my life, one helped organise my silver wedding party. I don't think it matters if you already have a support network and it sounds as if you have great support, Dannii, but for me, the friends I made at the classes are some of the best I have ever known. Suggest the best way might be to take their numbers and meet up for coffee!!!
Nail polish? This was not mentioned to us!
I dont tend to paint my nails anyway but i was going to to make myself feel pretty lol

Dannii if you dont wanna know whats going to happen then thats fine, it may be the best way for you, i certainly dont think knowing everything works for everyone. Dont feel you have to go, especially if it got you all flustered.

I loved my anetnatel classes, i felt all smug cos i already knew most of it and i want to know EVERYTHING that might happen, but thats me, most people dont have the same need, i'd panic if i didnt know.
I think the nail polish thing is if they have to put one of those heart rate monitors on your finger.... it actually visualises through your nail and can't "see through" nail polish!!

Our first antenatal class was a bit bobbins... quizzes to get to know each other etc...

We did keep going and they did get better... the main thing i have got out of it is that they took everyones contact details (if they wanted to give them) and circulated them round... I am meeting up with a group of them for coffee next week.... This is the main thing I wanted to achieve by these classes as I know a lot of my friends have really benefited out of the social side of their classes....

I know what you mean Dannii, I am also being adviced by the MW to go to Antenatal soon and I am almost looking at her in dismay with a blank face..why ME? kinda thing :oops:

The nail varnish issue - when in Labour, if anything happens which restricts blood flow in our body, one of the first signs are - nails will start showing blue tint or turning blue. It is for them to know - if nails are fine and normal colour whitish pink then all is well and good.
My mum put nail polish on my toes but not my fingers a week ago, should I go and remove it or will they just look at my finger nails?
prolly best removing it from your toes too, i had surgery a couple of years ago and the nurse missed it, she got a right bollocking
TBH it's up to you if you dont wear nail polish, but it's not a huge thing, if you do end up having surgery they can always remove it themselves, if your antenatel hasnt mentioned it then i wouldnt worry about it, you cant plan for every single eventuality, and it'd be silly to spend the next few weeks not wearing it in case things happen.
I don't normally wear it, but Mum did it as a treat, don't think I can remove it anyway bump is in the way! :rotfl: :rotfl:
Aww Dannii :hug: Sorry it was scary. Mine start in June for 4 weeks, I'm quite looking forward to it and am hoping I get to meet a couple of Mums in my area. Also I'm like Clare, I have to know everything otherwise I will get panicky :lol: Also I want OH to have to watch a video of a birth :lol:
Mildy you can go to youtube and get OH to watch videos of the birth.

this thread makes me feel alot better about not being able to get to the classes, because i was worried i was missing out. my MW said to me even if you jsut turn up to the class, there not going to turn you away (because were on a waiting list to go)

i dont think ill bother then :? ill just keep reading my books!

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