1st AF


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2005
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Well i got my first af back yesterday for the first time since having Kadyn and i puk 3 times and felt just yucky and drained.
How did everyone else feel after theirs i dont remember doing that after Kiara .
I think its just my body getting back to normal :think:
Its also so light
i havent had mine yet- i stopped bfing completely 2 weeks ago so it cant be far away! as soon as i get it ill start on the "full" pill so i can keep taking it and not have them. afs suck!
im sorry ur feeling rubbish, hope u feel better soon :hug: :hug:
Mine was also quite light and I didnt feel any different then before pregnancy.

Hope it will get better for you :hug:
I cramped for about a week before getting mine, but other than that it wasn't much different to how my periods used to be.
Mine was also quite light but i haven't had an other one yet even though it's been about 7/8 weeks. Def not pregnant though :?
I had almost forgotten about AFs, something for me to look forward to...not! Hope you're feeling better today saulino :hug:

Well its hardly even here today have to look very close to see anything :lol: only lasted 2 days!!!
Xena thats wierd i had tummy pains thursday and ended up going to see a doctor as i didnt know what was going on :oops: probably explains why!
Lolas Mummy wow thats alot of time inbetween :shock: maybe just your body getting back to hwo it should be hopefully it will regulate for you in the next few months :)
I got my first period after the birth yesterday - my DD was 7 months, 1 day old.

Valentine Xxx
I bleed like someone had been murdered, I mean for 15 days constantly, I was so heavy, I'd go through 14 maternity pads a day!

I have just finished my 3rd AF and everything is back to normal. But with my 1st one, I just wanted to sleep, felt like cr@p and was very emotional.

p.s. I take it you are all having your AF's 4 - 7 months after the birth?? Mine was 5 -6 weeks after, wonder if that's why I was so heavy?

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