19month old son wants to eat constantly!!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2010
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My son ALWAYS seems hungry, I give him his breakfast & when his finished he then wants some of mine, and throughout the day he just wants food! I usually give him 3 main meals a day with 2 snacks in between. He was only 5lb4oz when born and is still in 9-12month clothes so his still very tiny. I dont wanna keep feeding him when his pointing at the cupboards asking for more food bcoz I dont want him 2 over eat and then lose the feeling of knowing when his actually hungry.

Recently wen his demanding more food ive been giving in and giving him his fave foods! Bananas, satsumas & carrot sticks but his nappies have been disgusting!

Any advice?? xxxx
Could be having a growth spurt hun. If your worried i would take him doctors but if he is a healthy weight then i wouldn't worry so much he may be one of them types of people to eat what they like and burn it all off x

37 weeks pregnant. Team blue!
My Lo goes through fazes like this - sometimes he cant get enough food other times he may eat very little. It may be just a growth spurt and I really wouldn't worry about overfeeding. I'd say if he's hungry let him eat, if it goes on for too long maybe seek advice from your HV??
Thank u both VERY much! It does seem like a growth spurt, so will feed him up! haha xxxx
My lo is like that most days but he seems to be having one big growth spurt hes in 2-3 clothes tho and only 14 n half months

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