18yrs age difference


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2005
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My husband is 18yrs older than me and we are trying for a baby. My husband is 49 this year. He has 3 children from his previous marrage. I know they say men can father a child right up into very old age but it must become more difficult. We've only been trying for 4 months but we're in a bit of a rush. My husband wants to be a father again before he's 50. He is very healthy and fit (much more fitter than me) he works out at least 4 times a week, eats extremely healthy (to my annoyance), his whole outlook on life and his appearance amkes him seem much younger.... is there anyone out there who is in a similar situation as me? We are only planning one child as the age difference does add a few difficulties/problems.

any advice?
Hi Hayley,

I can understand your concerns and the rush you are in to get pregnant but I think the best thing you can do is try to relax about it - or so everyone tells me! There is a 10 year age gap between me and my husband and, he is 42 and I'm 32 but we conceived our first baby completely by accident and prob against most odds. We didn't have a very healthy lifetstyle as we had a good social life, didn't have much time for eating healthily, prob drank far too much, were both smoking and my hubby had smoked for nearly 20 years. I know he is younger than your husband but don't despair - I'm convinced the biggest prevention of pregnancy is pyscho-sematic - your brain tells you that you want it so much and therefore it just doesn't happen. Try and take the pressure off, relax, and just wait and see what happens - that's what I'm telling myself anyway! Good luck!
Hi im sorda in the same situation, i have 2 kids been married 5 years, im 22, my husband is 42- but like as you say hes the same way tottaly dont look it.
But as the other lady said its all about rellaxing, it took me a few moinths to get my 1st child, my 2nd was an accident but at the right time ..
im ttc # 3 , and last, we are really not trying to hard until mid march but if happens before it will be ok.Just relax and dont think about it to much and dont make it a priority to much. Good luck!!!
Thanks alot for your replies. Trying to get pregnant is the one thing you don't have much control over. I mean you can monitor your temperature, do the ovulation test but at the end of the day it's out of your control. I'm gonna try and put the whole baby making idea out my mind and enjoy the practicing. If it hapens it happens....
Thanks for the advice
Best way to do it Hayley! Stress from trying can stop it happening and wanting it too much can stop it. Just enjoy trying and if it happens is a lovely bonus! Age doesn't matter so much in men, my dad is 53 and had a 4 year old son.
To strangeness...

nice to hear about your dad... I like to hear about older men bcoming dad's - makes me feel a little more possitive.

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