18 week scan, baby sex?


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
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i have my first scan next friday and I will be just over 18 weeks, did any of you find out the sex of your baby at about this time during a scan?
I will pay for a private scan to find out if they cant see on friday, but I just hope they can let me know on friday and save me some money for christmas!

so excited to finally see the baby, it is the most nerve wracking thing sitting in that waiting room, with Jayden I thought I was going to pass out until I eventually seen him.

My midwife care sucks big time, I have now had bloods done yet, heard the babys heart beat, I have had nothing and Im almost 18 weeks,
I call them all the time to get seen, but they say they are just very busy.
Makes me mad!
fantastic !! :)
That was exactly what I was hoping to hear, im sure I found out last time about 18 weeks but I just cant remember if it was later or not, cheers x
I found out at my 20 week scan but i think they can tell sooner than that.

My 20 week scan was my 1st real scan of baby and i didnt see a MW till i was 16+ weeks and havnt seen once since other than when iv been admited to hospital, it sucks how little time they have now. :roll: Its the 1st time mum's i really feel for. They dont even listen to babys heatbeat anymore :shock:
My sister is having her baby in november, she is having it at a different hospital from me(paisley) im going to glasgow. She got 3 scans and has had such different treatment. Its annoying how much the care changes from one hospital to the next.

It really is worse for first time mums, i remember how i felt last time, i just kept wondering if everything was ok (which it was, thankfully) i just felt like I needed more reassurance. Im alot calmer this time, I have more faith in my body this time :D
Hi Julia!
If, like me you are going to the Queen Mum's in Glasgow they don't tell you the sex....even if you beg!

I'm not sure about the Southern or the Royal though!

Im going to the Southern, had my section there last year and going to have the same again this time. Damaged pelvis wont let baby engage, My friend is going to the queens, her baby is due any day too.

You getting all excited??
I am and its still a long way away ......
Oooo you might be lucky then and get to know at your scan!

I am getting excited.....I'll see my baby in 4 days time as I'm having an elective section due to my severe asthma.

Just leaving now to go for my pre-op assessment!

Eeek...4 days!!! :shock:

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