Im getting worried about my 18 week old son. For the last 3 weeks or so hes been waking up a ridiculous amount of times in the night. Some are for feeds which is fine but most are for no apparent reason. He has a bath, feed/cuddles then bed for 7:30 every night. The most he will sleep for is 2 hours before waking up first, after that I lose count! Its starts as a fidget, then a whine which turns in to a cry if I leave him to see if he settles. Since being born hes only slept a maximum of 4 hours straight once. He has 4 naps in the day, least 2 of these will be in his cot. Ive been putting him down sleepy but still awake. Im starting to struggle with the lack of sleep. Health visitors dont seem to care because hes healthy but surely the broken nights are not good for him either. Everyone says it will get better and one night he will just sleep properly but I honestly dont feel it will happen!