Over the past couple of weeks, my son has started screaming/crying (mostly on the screaming end) when he doesn't get his own way. This morning, I gave him his mid-morning snack as usual. Then he started screaming. I tried offering more food, more water etc. - still screaming and shaking his head. I took the tray off his highchair and he went to grab it back like he still wanted to sit there. I put it back on, offered more food/water - screaming. Took tray off, got him down - more screaming. In the end I opted for popping him upstairs in his cot - cue a few minutes of screaming which has now stopped.
Is this normal behaviour for an 18 month old? I'm sure my daughter didn't do this (although it's so horrific, I may have erased it from my memory if she had!). He doesn't have many words, so can't express need very well other than crying. I'm sure this doesn't help.
Is this normal behaviour for an 18 month old? I'm sure my daughter didn't do this (although it's so horrific, I may have erased it from my memory if she had!). He doesn't have many words, so can't express need very well other than crying. I'm sure this doesn't help.