17wk scan?


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2006
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hi,is it normal to have a scan at 17wks? as ive got mine nxt tues,my sister has had two kids and didnt have a 17wk scan.im worried :shock:
I had a 12 week & 20 week scan, but it varies area to area.

Have you had any scans?
Not heard of it, maybe it's an early 20 week scan?
it will probably be an early 20 weeks scan...

or very late dating scan...

you had any other scans?
hi,yeah i had my 12wk scan at 14wks but thats all ive had :?
it'll be ur anamoly (20weeks) scan early..
no nothing to worry bout at all hunny! check with ur midwife if ur still concerned... they might even move it nearer to 20 weeks, if thats what you'd prefer..
sure its a scan as i have to go back at 16 weeks to get bloods results
hi :wave: ,i had my 17wk scan yesterday and ive been crying all night and today because they told me they are concerned as to why the baby is in the same position. :(
Oh gosh hunny, can you tell us a bit more as to what has happened? Are you getting another scan soon?

Id post this as a new topic so every one can see it and give you some advice hun :hug:
hi,well i had a 12wk scan at 14wks and now ive had a 17wk scan and the baby is still in the same position and hasnt moved,the 12wk scan @ 14wks the babys heartbeat was faint but yesterday it was normal!?
but there concerned as to why the baby doesnt seem to be active yet! :cry:

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