12 week scans...


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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OK thought for a bit of fun we could post our 12 week scans and maybe guess the sex?

Plus i want to be nosy and see everyones scans lol!!

OK heres mine i think boy whatcha think girlies??

Ok here's mine. Have no idea or inkling of what I'm having so any input would be great! I'm wondering if they face a certain way, does that mean anything? Sounds daft I know, but my son was lying the opposite way to this so I'm hoping girl!? Will find out on thursday.....x

I reckon girl for you steelgoddess and boy for gingercubes :) Don't know why though lol.

Lisa - My 12 week scan with Nathan was facing one way and when I had my scan with this one it was facing the opposite way and they are both boys :)

I STILL haven't got around to putting up any of my scans but I reckon boys for Steelgoddess and Lisa, and girl for Gingercubes.
Well what do you reckon? :think:


Bubs was naughty at the scan and kept running away!

:think: :think: :think:

I will (hopefully) find out whether Pink or Blue on 28th March - but in the meantime...whaddya reckon?
OK, NW1 - boy and the following two girls I reckon, ha ha! Are you going to find out?
DaisyRose said:
OK, NW1 - boy and the following two girls I reckon, ha ha! Are you going to find out?

That's quite bizarre as I am totally convinced it IS a girl - and was before I even saw the scan. We will be finding out as we are too impatient to wait!
My OH wants a girl and my mother in law is convinced its going to be a girl so we'll see but yes will be finding out too impatient to wait the whole 9 months 20 week scan is April 29th cant wait!!! :cheer: :cheer:
I think boy to for mine and yes finding out on 30th April as long as bubs doesnt hide it!
i think this is 10+5

And definately a girl, though i was convinced she was a boy lol

Heres my 15 week scan.

Be nice for you to have a guess, as i find out the sex on thursday. CAN'T WAIT .
This is my little bean at 13+5 - Im convinced its a girl but don't know for sure yet!


I'm rubbish at guessing but sara, tentatively I am going to say boy.
Miss Sara boy, and Hidelu girl! Ha ha, looking forward to finding out if I'm right!!!

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