12 week scan


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2005
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hi guys

i am having my 12 weeks scan on the 8th of july, what iwanted to know is, can they pick up any birth defects at 12/13 weeks or is it only at teh 20 week scan.

i really cant remember what they said on the 12 week scan with my son, hes 5 now so its a long time ago i did this.

i know im prob sounding over the top, but im really worried something will be wrong, even tho i saw the heartbeat 2 weeks ago, what if he/she hasnt grown right since then, or has an affect to something i have eaten or the hay fever tablets the doc put me on, i have a million and 1 things running around in my mind, its really doing my head in

I am sure if there was a serious serious defect they could pick it up, but the 20 week scan is the anomally scan (or whatever the word is :roll: ) as far as I am aware. Don't worry about the worrying, I've been exactly the same since I found out I was pg. It's preparation for motherhood ;)
I have my scan on Friday and have convinced myself that since my last one at 7 weeks something dreadful has happened. No reason for thinking this it's totally irrational I feel like I'm going mad...
I did the same thing Kim, was sure they were going to give me bad news. There wasn't anything that anyone could say that made me feel better! But everything was ok :)
Thanks for that, it's getting nearer and nearer and I'm getting more and more excited, but also nervous. I know everything will be fine deep down but these thoughts wont leave my head!!
I think the 12 week scan is more to confirm dates and detect any severe abnormalities - baby is still small (though surprisingly well developed!) but there is a limit to how much the sonographer can see. Presumably you have the choice of NT screening as well.

I was panicking like mad about my first scan - worrying as you do - when the sonographer first put the ultrasound on my belly and there was nothing but blackness, my heart sank. But then she moved it and baby came into view and it was a fantastic moment - it brought tears to my eyes and I'm sure my hubbie was welling up as well!

Anyway I'm sure you'll both be fine! Best of luck and enjoy it - you'll wish you had a video of it afterwards!


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