12 week scan question


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2010
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hi as you all know i am 5 weeks pregnant and have my first midwife appointment the 23rd of april but when will i hear about my 1st scan appointment my doctor never mentioned it and how to book it does it automactically come through or does the midwife book it just wondering how it works!

thanks again for any help :) :dance:
i think it differs depending on your local authority. I was given a letter at my 10 week booking in appt telling me to phone the hospital 7 working days after the appt to book the scan date, i had to wait that time to make sure my notes had been transferred onto the hospital's system. It was quite nice really, i felt like i was in control of it, it gave me something to look forward to doing between seeing the mw and the scan.
When i first met my mid wife, she sent out my info to hospital, and then theyt sent me a letter with a number to ring so i could sort it out!!! xx
I was given a letter with the contact number on to book my scan, It varies from place to place
i told my doctor and they booked me as my midwife refused to see me before 19 weeks she was so rude i nearly cried in the docs surgery i wanted to ask her loads of questions and she just dismissed me... lol anyways yes doctor sent my details and like 2 days later i had my scan date 5th may i cant wait xxxxx
my doctors didnt even want to see me when i phoned to say i was pregnant and what do i do next (my surgery is weird and you cant book in with anyone besides a dr even if you know its someone else you need to see) but bang straight in with a midwife appt no need to see the dr?!!?

so im goin on the 7th april to see M/W i think il b 7/8 weeks then, cant wait to find out when i will have a scan, hubby doesnt think it feels real yet, even with the feeling sickness all the time, lol i think he will feel more reassured when i either get chubbier than i am now :-/ or when we see our little bean!!!


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