Hi, I havent really posted a subject on here before but I am so excited (and nervous) I feel like I'm going to burst!!! I have my 12 week scan the day after tommorow at 3pm, it doesnt even seem real when I say it I cant beleive its nearly here!! I had an emergancy scan at 6 weeks and saw a heartbeat nearly 6 weeks ago as had some light bleeding over xmas and NEVER thought I'd make it here and now I'm still so worried something will go wrong as I had a missed miscarriage before so paranoid it will happen this time but at the same time really excited that it could be OK and we could see our baby! The closer it gets the harder it is to wait but I cant beleive in less than 2 days this will all be confirmed and I can stop convincing myself I've lost it and start enjoying it! Anyone else around the same stage as me??XX