12 week ccan and OMG!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2007
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Hi had my 12 week scan this morning; :D

1st: Think I drank far too much before my appointment and it was 20 mins late and i was doubled over dying for the toilet. I was in that much pain when I'd finished my husband had to help me off the bed! :oops:

2nd: Got put forward a week so I'm actually 13 weeks 4 days. So just wanted to say thanks to everyone for helping me throught the 1st tri. I couldn't have got through it without all the positive advice. I was the most paranoid person that somethin would go wrong and everything was fine so just stay positive. :)

3rd: I'm only small and a size 8, well I was till i got this big belly, scan person said I am looking at havin a 8lb 4 baby!! How will that come out?! I'm still in shock. Has anyone else been told that before and had a smaller baby? My friend said it will prob be a boy if its gonna be that big. Is this true? :shock:

Good luck with all your pregnancies. See you all in 2nd tri. :wave:

Love Danielle xxx
Hey there Pink Angel!

Congratulations on ur scan xx Do you have a pic we can see!! I love looking at those!!

Thanks. I'm at work at the min, when I get home gonna get my husband to help me do it. xxx
:hug: congratulations honey!!! I am so pleased everything went brilliantly for you!!
i dont think baby weight has any bearing on sex, me and my sister were 8lb + and 9lbs + and we're definitely girls!!

being a size 8 might or might not be a problem....depends on your pelvis i believe, my mum was an 8 and had us huge babies fine, my aunt was an 8 and had to have 2 c-sections....
Ellie was 8lb 4 and i was a small size 8 at the time. Your body will cope and it will be fine.
congrats on the scan. cant wait for pics x
i was a size 8 when i had my daughter she weighed 8lb 9oz the only trouble i had was she didnt want to come out she needed a bit of help and i also found loosein the weight after i had her very hard still not been able 2 now

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