12 days to go, baby lying Transverse


Active Member
Oct 26, 2006
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Hi ladies, hope you are all doing well, I am just back from the hospital to see the midwife and doctor, little baby is lying transverse so I will have to have a c section now. Been booked in for the 7th March, only 12 days away, very excited and kind of freaked out now, anyone else transverse?
not that ive been told.

good luck for your c section at least you can prepare for it now.

becky xxx
good luck :hug:

Not transverse now but previous pg I had a section due to one being transverse and one being breech.
not sure what transverse is hun mine is breech oblique and im not even sure what that is except the breech bit lol good luck with section im having a section but not till the end of march xxxxxx
yeah he has his head at my right side and his feet on my left, he must just be enjoying a good old stretch! tee hee... packed my bag tonight, so excited, they gave me another scan today, was great to have another little look at him, he was blowing bubbles, and looked like he had chubby cheeks, just like his daddy...he he
Good luck with the C-Section. :hug:

Mine likes to lie that way,all spread out across my middle, early days yet but i hope this one moves.
well thats how my little boy was lying I think at last scan but then think its too early to worry about it.

good luck for c section
:oops: :oops: :oops: thanks KK hun am a bit dull any chance you know what oblique is??? im breech oblique :shock: no idea lol xxxxxx
rach, I think oblique is when the baby is at a slight angle...

so he will be head up and at an angle rather than just facing your tummy or your back x

hope this helps :hug:
My little girl is transverse too - head on the right and feet on the left - has been that way for week's now (must be very comfy) if she hasn't moved in the next couple of week's i'll be booked in for a scan & a possible C section too...

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