

Active Member
Mar 15, 2010
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need quick replys please. rite for the past 5mins ive had really bad achey stomach and shooting pains in my back, my stomach feels like ive done 100 sit ups feels crampy from chest bone to the bottom of my bump. im really scared to what it may be. im 29weeks tomorrow
If you're at all worried I'd call someone, even if it's just for reassurance. It could well be nothing as all sorts of pain are totally normal during pregnancy but it's always best to get checked out. There should be a list of numbers in your notes if you're not sure who to call. Hope everything's ok :hug:
thanx. my stomch seems to have calmed down now but im getting sharp pains in the bottom of my back. i really hate going to the hospital they make me feel so silly. i went in when i were 20week with really bad stomch pains they kept sending me away saying its normal and my wee sample came back normal, i went 3times with it. the few days after that i had mw and she said ive gota bad uti and gave me anibiotics. so the hospital fobbed me off with crap. and told me to take paracetamol. :mad:. but i dont think this is a uti this time as its more painfull and totally diffrent.
Don't let the hospital make you feel bad for going in. Anything that worries you is enough to get checked out - it's better to go in and find out it's nothing than not go when it's something that needs treatment x
yeah i know i shouldnt let the hospital make me feel like crap for going in but thats just how they make me feel. i always feel like im wasting there time. as ppl in hospital have got bad manners and its like they dont wanna know unless your in labour:mad: x
Hey how are you feeling today??? Did you manage to get checked out? x
Hope your feeling ok today and that you got some help last night x
hiya girls. well the pain went about half hour after my last post. when u have bh is ur stomach ment to go hard cos mine didnt feel any different, i thort it were bh but cos my stomach didnt go hard i thort nah it wont be. i wouldnt say it was mega painfull but it were really uncomfy nothing ive experienced before. xx
Gad you are feeing better, if it starts again though speak to your mw x
thanx girls. not had the pain today. well so far anyway. but if it comes back ill defo be getting it checked just to make sure xx

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