11 weeks old and not sleeping any better than a newborn


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2011
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Hi all. My Lo is 11 weeks old and is still waking every 1-2.5 hours at night for food. My hv said he has got into a habit and we need to stop feeding on demand and stretch his defer out in the day to every 2-3 hours and not feed him at every wake up at night but only as a last resort but I feel awful doing this. do you think he can be comfort feeding rather than actually hungry? Any one else's baby still wake up a lot at this age?
Hey hun my LO used to do similar but cluster feeding from 7pm-11pm....we then discovered she was actually comforting rather than actually feeding so have stopped that and managed to keep her entertained instead! I know you can't do this in the middle of the night but maybe LO is just comforting rather than feeding?!

Would he take a dummy? My LO won't but sucks her thumb instead! Xx

Sent from my sparkly new 4s!!!
Also do you bf or formula? Could you give him hungry baby formula? Xx

Sent from my sparkly new 4s!!!
Kynon is much the same and 15 weeks now (11 weeks adjusted age). Only the last 3 weeks has he started to go 4-5 hours at night. In the last 2 hours I've given him 3 20 min feeds which is a normal evening for us. I don't think he's comfort feeding but just hungry, I'm still feeding on demand. Is he a big boy too? He could be having a growth spurt as well. I think it's one of those things with breast feeding that you permanently have a baby attached to your boob! I'm assuming your breast feeding? Do you take fenugreek? I've found it's helped my milk supply and in turn he's going a bit longer.
If he can take a dummy you may find it will help you work out if he's hungry or comforting himself.u daughter was also breastfed plus low weight so she couldn't go as long without food as bigger babies. In the night I used to give her a dummy twice and if she still wasn't settled the third time instead of giving a dummy I would feed her. Worked well as most of the time it was comfort but at least I would also know when she was hungry. Although not sure it's going to work as well with my second daughter who's so much bigger!
AYeah forgot to say I'm breast feeding. He is quite a big baby on the 75 centile line. Will have to try a dummy, really didn't want to get him used to one as Will have to wean him off it again but should help up tell the difference. My supply has generally been good but lately they have felt empty most of the time.
I would try a dummy too, it helped with my LO when e was doing the same at that age. It's normal for your breasts to feel empty btw, by now your supply will have regulated and they will stop getting engorged. They might not feel full to you but there will be plenty there for LO, don't worry :)
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Your HV is right to an extent, LO is used to getting fed/picked up at certain times & continues to do so. Try re-settling LO in his cot, for example, stroke his face, rock him slightly, it may take 20-30 mins to do this & dont get me wrong it is very difficult, but it will work, it just takes a wee bit of hard work. Its difficult coz we all want to sleep at night, but a week or so of doing this & LO will be fine. Just think about the long-term goal


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