10 weeks and craving meat!


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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hey girls.. im cravign meat badly.. just eatten loas of ham.. what else can i have lol.. really really fancy a rare steak lol..

wonder whats going on with the baby for me to want loads of meat..
go and get a ready cooked chicken from asda :lol:
oh thats a weird one! You obviously have a meat eating fanatic then hun.

Hope you get some more meat soon. :D
At around 7-8 weeks, all I could eat was meat & meat flavoured crisps. I went off eating all meat products at around weeks 10-12 weeks.

I have only just started eating meat again, but can't bear the smell of beef crisps. xx
I think it must be a protein craving or something. I'm going through a stage of only wanting beef burgers and rare stakes and normally I won't eat red meats... but especially in the last week, I've been very naughty and have been a few times to the local burger bar and had just a plain burger/kebap but not bothered with salads or bread...Its very strange Lisa because I am due around the same time as you...and I never had a meat craving first time round...

Also Ham sandwiches... and I hate ham!!! :wall: :wall: :wall: Baby must need protein...more proof I'm carrying a boy.
I've been a vegetarian for over 20 years and have been craving meat (and fish, which I've never liked!) this pregnancy. Ethically, I can't bring myself to eat it - and I'm not sure I even remember what meat tastes like as I was a child when I last ate it - but I have found myself looking at meat in supermarkets and salivating! Even tonight, when I was looking at dried pasta, I was thinking how the pasta bows would be good with tuna mayonnaise :shock:

I don't know where this is coming from because I had nothing like this with my last 2 pregnancies....I think this one might be a total carnivore like its dad :D
oh i had a craving for meat from about 6 weeks till about 12 weeks, i couldnt get enough of it! i got some small bags of pork scratchings and kept them in the cupboard, this seemed to help when it go too bad, try that.
i craved steak so had to buy some but not craved meat since lol
im havign beef dinner at mums today.. ive totally gone off my food tho.. had 2 slices of salami and 4 slices of ham and a packet of prawn cocktail crisps and beef jerky all day yesterday.. so im looking forward to eatting someone elses nice dinner..
hi there :wave: i am the complete opposite i cant stand meat just now i went to my mother in laws for dinner yesterday and she put a big plate of roast beef down with asparagus i nearly vomited at the table, the only thing i want to eat just now is home made chips with lots of s&v so i went to my mums and she made me nearly 2lb of chips. hope this craving doesnt last as i will end up puting stones on.


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