1 week to go..


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2011
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Exactly 1 week today till my DD... MOTHERS DAY 18th March...

I really want to try as much as i can to have Belly Bean before then so i can officially be a mum on this years mothers day.

No pains and feeling pretty healthy though so not too hopeful, although people keep telling me "it could happen ANY time!"

Have sweep booked 19th if nothing before then, and induction booked for 28th (day before my birthday!) ... So Belly Bean has a lot of targets I would prefer them to miss and arrive before...

Any tips on the last week for mission: GET BABY OUT?

:yay: one week left!! I've kind of lost faith in tips for getting baby out, mine is obvously too comfortable in there, so I try not to Think of it, and keep busy, and I know she'll come eventually!!!

Lots of luck!!
Lol thanks Esperanza, you too!! :dance:

:( Mine also feeling a bit too comfy for my liking!..
I'm measuring a little bigger than i should but MW said its due to baby being indecisive with their head 3/5ths it's not all the way in so caused measurement to be slightly bigger...

It's deffinatley a little character already!...
I've held off starting anything cos knowing my luck he'd have come 20 minutes after the first epo capsule lol. Now I'm on the case he's going to be way late I just know it. Oh well :roll:
Fingers crossed bubs comes in time for mothers day and not after!
I keep trying to convince myself that i should enjoy the peace and quiet for as long as possible... but my urge to want to hold them and kiss them is too big!

I always thought i'd be early but am beginning to think i've made it much to nice in there for him/her...

Is it mean i do some jumping jacks to make them want to evacuate? lol.
Woo hoo :love:

I am jealous you only have a few days left. Enjoy and make the most while you can x
Cheers Tor, Can't wait to add my Labour Thread to the many going on!! :) x

Have had a few twinges and a lot of pressure tonight, walking up and down the hill to my mothers house is clearly not as comfy as sitting on my bum in the world of Baby! :)
i want mine to be born 18th too like hes supposed to but just dont think hes gonna shift!

not getting any signs, despite doing all the pineapple, hot curries, sex, walking, and now even RLT.

seeing MW today and i want to ask if i can have sweep today lol but im guessin they wont :(

I wanted to be a mum before or on mothers day lol
Good luck hun, I've gave up on waiting for harry to arrive natually he's comfy in here aswell, glad induction is booked though :)
lol vampy bear i asked my mw to give me a sweep last week she said no she'll only do it 19th lol, she just laughed at how keen i was, ive sort of resigned to the fact im probz guna go over now tho as there;s no more signs after yday. x
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i got my sweep yesterday! she said to just tell her im having tightenings and she will do it then and there so i did.
not getting signs of labour tho, and didnt expect to as i know it can take two or three attempts. she did say something about managing to open it a little, 1cm or something.
awwwh, i see.......... if only i'd of known what to say!!

- i hope it does work, i thought in most women's cases it causes labour within 72 hours?

I hope so... I don't want to have to wait till being induced on the 28th .. It's my birthday 29th, i dont wana spend it pushing!!!!!!............ Ahhhhh...
on average most women need 2 to 3 sweeps before birth happens, so im not surprised im still waiting for anything to happen after the first one, and prob is they only tend to do a sweep once a wk... argh, tomos our due date and im gutted im getting no signs of it starting.

Is REALLY painful to walk since yest afternoon tho, feels lilke he has come even lower down to point that if i put pressure on my feet to stand it is almost unbearable

Baby is far too active to come out I think, Had curries and been walking had some Movicol to get rid of constipation (TMI soz!!) to help make room for babies head!....

FEEL so Rubbish though, want it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How ungreatful do i sound?!!
Fingers crossed baby turns up for you!! Also I have my sweep same day as you :) x
Trouble makers needing an extra hand to get a move one!....
- we're guna have our hands full i just know it! :) Good luck to you too. xxx

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