

Well-Known Member
May 2, 2006
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just found out my ex has already got a new girlfriend, and apparently got with her when we were together!!!!
I feel sick, iv got pale, shaking, n just actually been sick - this has shocked me so much, im crying n i just feel like my world has ended n i dont really wanna b here anymore :cry: :cry: :cry:
dont say that hun you have a beautiful little princess to be here for :hug:
awww hun i know how ur feeling wen i found out my ex had a new girlfriend who turned out to be my ex best mate i was heart broken and so angry

gonna pm u give me 2 mins
:hug: you have to try and get on with it hun for the sake of your wee girl. have a good cry then get up in the morning and start the rest of your life. :hug:
i know its hard but be strong and concentrate on making the best life you can for yourselves
A hunny, please dont feel like that

You have a beautiful daughter that needs you very much and someone will come along that makes you feel like a princess.

:hug: :hug:
:( im sorry hun

i remeber when me and my partenr of 4 yrs split up i thought my world was over and i was devestated i was for a good few months nbut now i am happier then ever and am glad i finaly got away from my ex

cheers up babe :hug:
i'm sorry :hug: stay strong, u will be happy again x x x
im sorry hun, but dont say that, you have a wonderful daughter who needs her mummy to fill her with lots of love and cuddles..

here have a few hugs or 2 :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I know how heartbreaking this is for you, i've been there several times myself (one ex used to flaunt it infront of my face in the pub - nice bloke eh :roll: I have great pleasure knowing he's fat, going bald & still a wanker to this day :rotfl: )

You will feel crappy for the next few days, weeks and maybe months but you will feel better in time & you will move on. Its such a shock at the moment, its bound to be, but as every day goes past just think of it as one day closer to you putting it behind you and one day closer to that Prince Charming sweeping you off your feet (he will come along, don't worry & you'll be wondering why you spent so long crying over a man that wasn't worth your tears)

After several heartbreaks, I told myself that it just wasn't meant to be & it did help. We all have to 'go through' boyfriends & sometimes husbands to find the one we're the most compatible with & the ones we will spend the rest of our lives with.

I know you want to shut out the pain but focus on your beautiful daughter, she matters, he doesn't, and the pain will fade, trust me.

Please PM me if you need a chat hunny :hug:
i cant say anything to make u feel better hun, so ill send u these :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
You musn't think like that, you have a child to be here for. I know what you're going through, it's always very hard, but at least you learnt what a **** he was.

It will get easier in time hun :hug: Everyday it will hurt less and elss, thats what I found. I hope you feel better soon, try and keep yourself occupied if you can xxx
Hun, come here big hugs :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Come on he is not worth it hun really isnt, and please dont feel like that i feel sick thinking your hurting like that, your georgous girl needs you more than anything. You know where i am if you need me PM anytime or im on the phone.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
thank you everyone, uv all been so supportive - more than i could ever ask :hug:

Im just a total wreck n feel so sorry for Leah, cos i feel as if im lettin her down, im still being the best mummy i can be - im not neglegtin her or nething (just incase ur wondering) I love her bits n i know that what i said last night was STUPID but i just felt soooo alone n upset, after 4yrs and a baby n EVERYTHING we'v been through that after 7 weeks hes found himself a 17yr old girlfriend, who wants to get to know LEah - WTF?!?!?!

Neway going to sort it out properly, solisitors (Sp) n everything, CSA - im gunna screw him over, for what hes done to me n how hes made me feel!!
thats it Tori, make him feel as shite as u can cos how the hell could he have given u and Leah up?? :x :x

and a 17yr old gf??? ur well rid of him, she will get bored of him then he will b alone and serve him right :x :x
oh hun you go girl, screw him for everything why would a 17 year old girl want to get to know her just like that, dont mean to sound funny but you are so much better off without him.

Your a fab mum and your not alone you have all us on here and i hope some of my texts have helped, here if you need me hun anytime :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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