Recent content by Nancey.Sheetz

  1. N

    My method of tracking my ovulation

    No problem! :) x
  2. N

    My method of tracking my ovulation

    No problem, trying to help a few people here. Good luck :)
  3. N

    My method of tracking my ovulation

    Thought I haven’t been a member for a long time on this forum, I do see a lot of fellow TTC having a lot of questions and doubts about tracking ovulation. I have been tracking my ovulation for a few years now, with great success. My husband and I always check my ovulation calendar before we...
  4. N

    When do you test?

    Like they said before, try to hold it till the morning around 7am.
  5. N

    feeling very lost & low

    :hug:You can do it! Just stay positive :D
  6. N

    Nothing yet

    If the second line is dark you are about to ovulate. Good luck xx
  7. N

    Help!! Pregnancy after the Mirena??

    My sister in law had her Mirena removed and it was normal within a short period. My sister's best friend had a little more trouble, but it worked out for her too. They both conceived after it though, so no worries :)
  8. N


    When trying to conceive it is important that a woman gets a portion of iron and folic acid. You get this by either taking pills or certain foods: Spinache, Lima beans and lentils. For men the vitamins C and D, Zinc, folic acid and calcium. Hope this helps :)
  9. N

    confused UPDATED

    Good luck ;) I understand your confusion. I had something similar once, got 4 different dates of when I would ovulate, did not make sense at all. Just keep paying attention to your cycle and chart your BBT. Wish you the best :)
  10. N

    I can't believe it

    Good luck, wish you the best ;)
  11. N

    Piercing when pregnant?

    Do not pierce while you are pregnant. Though it's not really bad to do it, it might get infected. That would be really bad and hurts.
  12. N


    I track my BBT. When you chart it it shows you when you are most likely to ovulate. It helps me and also my sister a lot. My sister conceived twins 2 months ago. She charted her ovulation too, and tracked her BBT.