Recent content by Mimimouse89

  1. Mimimouse89

    Help with dummy weaning..

    My little one is just over 15 weeks old, and since the first few days we had him home he's had a dummy to settle himself off to sleep (he didn't like his moses basket and we were desperate for some sleep ourselves).. He finds it soothing and after a minute or so he normally drifts off and it...
  2. Mimimouse89

    What do you do with your 4 month old?

    Ollie is just over 14 weeks now and he loves to be sung to. He can hold his head up now so I sit him facing me on my lap, hold his arms and gently rock him backwards and forwards whilst singing "row your boat". That always puts a smile on his face. Alot of the time he's happy to lay on his mat...
  3. Mimimouse89

    Tummy Time Questions

    I'm glad I read this as I've been worrying about it recently too! Ollie seems to hate being on his tummy on a mat but other than that he can hold his head up on my chest or sitting up and loves to try and stand and bounce on peoples laps. I wish the midwife had told me to start doing it as soon...
  4. Mimimouse89

    New Mums - do you worry...

    I used to worry alot more but once you realise that babies are alot tougher than you think they are then it gets easier. I trust my gut instincts now and I know when he's really upset and when he's just moaning cos he wants a bit of attention etc. It's natural for mums to worry, thats how we...
  5. Mimimouse89

    Any Brighton/Hove mums???

    As I'm a first time mum I'd really like to make the most of the maternity leave I have left and get involved with some nice baby groups and make some mum friends.. I just wondered if anyone lived in Brighton/Hove/East Sussex and could recommend some good (and cheap) groups or baby things to do...
  6. Mimimouse89

    Oliver Marley Gopaul

    Thanks everyone! Managed to get a pic of him on my avatar :D x
  7. Mimimouse89

    Labour and Birth - Things the Movies don't tell us!!

    P.S Thanks Samsgirl :) It was a bit big for him for a while but now it fits perfectly and it looks so cute :) x
  8. Mimimouse89

    Labour and Birth - Things the Movies don't tell us!!

    SOOOOOOOOOOO true. Because of my stitches, every time I went for a pee in the weeks following the birth I used the shower head as I went, that was the only way it didn't sting! It's all about diluting it! x
  9. Mimimouse89

    Labour and Birth - Things the Movies don't tell us!!

    Things I would've wanted to know before birth would be- 1. Get as much sleep as you can on the days leading up to your due date as you never know when labour will start and it takes alot of energy, and also once baby's here you won't be sleeping properly for a loong time! 2. Try and get...
  10. Mimimouse89

    Electric / Microwavable Sterilisers

    I've got a tommy tippee microwave sterilizer and an avent one, both great I think. I just put the hot water in the bottle and then cool it down in a bowl of cold water, then add the powder when its just warm and give to bubba. As for the sterile thing it's annoying that when you open it suddenly...
  11. Mimimouse89

    The line spotting thread!

    Yeah seriously, I've only just read this thread but now I really really wanna know... Exciting!! Makes me wanna do it again even though I only gave birth 8 weeks ago :P ..hehe maybe not...
  12. Mimimouse89

    Oliver Marley Gopaul

    Aww thanks, yeh i tried to upload a pic but it keeps failing :( need to fina a way to make it smaller i think... x
  13. Mimimouse89

    Oliver Marley Gopaul

    So my little boy is already 8 weeks old! I started writing a birth story ages ago but you know how it is with babies - it's hard to get anything done when they're so small! I'll try and keep it brief :P At around 2am on Wednesday 27th July (2 days early) my waters broke while I was asleep and...
  14. Mimimouse89

    Low platelets...

    I had a midwife appointment this morning and as my platelet count has been a little low during my pregnancy I have a blood test every time I see the midwife. The results from the last one I had, she told me today, was 109. This is alot lower than the time before and she says if the results from...
  15. Mimimouse89

    delivery suite tour

    I was wondering about a tour, when do they normally do it? The midwife hasn't said anything about one but I see her on wednesday so I'll have to ask her. It must make it feel so real and a bit scary! Exciting though especially as you say it's really nice there.. Oh wow emma you're due tomorrow...