Recent content by Lilmisshappy

  1. Lilmisshappy

    Sore bump....

    I've been getting exactly the same thing, keep checking the top of the bump for bruises. I got told it's just stretching pains.
  2. Lilmisshappy

    September babies

    With so many of us due on the 16th...I'm fairly sure I conceived on Xmas eve or day. Thinking this might be the reason :)
  3. Lilmisshappy

    Tmi.. Tmi!!!!

    I had v similar bug last weekend. The stomach cramps were awful. I phoned NHS direct and they said all ok, keep an eye on any baby movements you feel, and keep fluids up. Glad you're feeling better. x
  4. Lilmisshappy

    September babies

    Hello! Got really excited when I saw all the other September babies due! I'm Alice, 32, and I'm due on the 16th September. This is my first baby and I'm team yellow. I've had pretty easy pregnancy so far apart from never-ending heartburn. My bump seems to have grown loads in the last...
  5. Lilmisshappy


    I've had lots of spots on my face and neck. They seem to be moving down to the breasts now. Bought some spot cream for the first time since my teens :)
  6. Lilmisshappy

    11 weeks and spotting??

    Good news! All seems fine. Dated at 11 weeks and 5 days. So relieved. Just been told to rest up for a few days. thanks again for reassuring comments. Xx
  7. Lilmisshappy

    11 weeks and spotting??

    Thanks for comments. I'm booked for scan in an hour so fingers crossed. X
  8. Lilmisshappy

    11 weeks and spotting??

    Hello, really wanted some advice on this. I'm 11 weeks pregnant. Up till now I've not really had many symptoms apart from sore breasts and tiredness. I had a few cramps yesterday and then a little bit of spotting in the evening. When I got up this morning I had quite a bit more, it's brown...
  9. Lilmisshappy

    Obsessed with squeezing boobs?!?!

    Ha ha! I'm new to this forum and this topic really made me laugh. I've been squeezing my boobs every morning, and even giving them a quick prod during the day just to check they still hurt. (not liking the appearance of some dark veins in them though) This is my first pregnancy and I don't...