Recent content by LauraP

  1. L

    can someone offer me advice please :(

    I have an appointment with my nurse today just for a chat going to get her to do a blood test and then see what that shows if nothing I'm going to be so disappointed :( just confused I've never had these types of symptoms before when I've had a period i used to just get back ache, although as I...
  2. L

    can someone offer me advice please :(

    I'm 19 and me and my partner have been TTC for 3 months now. I was on the depo in injection and I know it can give you pregnancy symptoms cause I had them in the first couple of weeks as it was wearing off then my body went back to normal. Still haven't had a period though. This past week or so...
  3. L

    need advice/support, ttc after depo.

    My partner and I are TTC, my last injection was 11'th August 2011 and I was due to have it again on the 13'th November. I still haven't had a period and I'm worried, I have only had 3 injections and before them I was regular. When I went to see my nurse the day I was supposed to get my next...