Recent content by JJo

  1. J


    I had about 20 stitches, lots of single ones all around. Very painful for the first 8 days or so, have had them checked a few times by midwives and also a doctor and they say that they are not infected it just takes a long time to heal. Baby is now 12 days old and I'm just starting to feel...
  2. J

    Sweep tomorrow!

    I had a sweep on Friday at 40+3, not painful at all. Cervix was reachable and I'm 1cm dliated (m/w felt baby's head), but still no arrival of baby 3 days later... Fx for you though.
  3. J

    mucus plug

    I'm 40+6 and noticed yesterday I undoubtedly have clear mucus discharge which I definitely did not have before, I seem to be losing mine bit by bit too. Fingers crossed it's a sign that things are moving along.
  4. J

    Sleep/maternity leave

    I worked until 38+3. Wasn't, and still not, sleeping very well, usually go to bed about 10pm and wake up at 2.30am and every hour from then on, swapping sides as I get achey and sore until I move to a different position. Sometimes I go back to sleep but sometimes I lie awake for hours so in...
  5. J


    I was told at 20 wk scan that we were having a girl. The scanner sounded pretty confident and I think it says 98% sure (or something similar) on the report but I have my doubts as my untrained eye could not see any indication of either sex. I only have pink clothes too so fingers crossed !
  6. J

    Any january babies left to make an appearance?

    Me - due date was 24th. I'm booked for an induction on 7th Feb if nothing happens by then. Absolutely nothing happening so far.
  7. J

    Routine 40 week midwife appt and sweep

    I had it. It was nothing really. I'm 1cm dilated and she could feel baby's head (which I thought was quite amazing!) so I guess good news. She said to give it a couple of days so, along with a 2 mile walk this afternoon followed by a curry, I'm keeping my fingers crossed...
  8. J

    Routine 40 week midwife appt and sweep

    I have my routine 40 week appointment with midwife (at doctor surgery) tomorrow afternoon, I'll be 40+3. Is there a chance that she will do a sweep during my appointment or would she book me in to do it another time? I'm not sure how long it takes?? I presume it can be done at the surgery...
  9. J

    **** New January Thread ****

    Hi there, I'm not new but haven't posted for months due to having my laptop stolen a while back... Anyway, my due date was 24th Jan and absolutely no signs as of yet.... Been on pf a lot since maternity leave as I have so much spare time now...
  10. J


    I've rented one from baby tens via Boots, think it was £25 ish. Think it's a newer model that the one advertised which could be why it's on sale/cheap? I have yet to use it though, due date was Tuesday and absolutely no pains so far so couldn't comment on how good it is. My friend had one...
  11. J

    Cannot stop eating - Someone help!

    I'm not hungry but am eating all the time to stop feeling sick, I hate it. Plus I'm not exactly eating healthily either, kind of relying on the pregnacare vitamins to provide baby with what it needs. Not good I know, just hoping the sickness will subside soon.....
  12. J

    January Mummies x

    I'm in, due 25th Jan. Well the MW says 24th but didn't take into acct my slightly long cycle so I've made my own conclusion!
  13. J

    What do you do?

    I work for an Asset Manager in London, I look after institutional clients who pay us to look after their pension funds. I get to sit down all day, thank god, but still really struggling with morning sickness. Haven't told anyone at work the news either, am waiting for Nuchal scan blood test...
  14. J

    Not Happy With Midwife :(

    I had a private early dating scan done at 8+5 wks, £75 (Reading area). Only because I'd had 3 mc's and my midwife said I couldn't get an early scan on NHS. I just googled scan, or ultrasound (can't remember exactly what), rang up the cheapest and made an appt, all very easy to do and the service...
  15. J

    Not Happy With Midwife :(

    I read that the nuchal scan must be done between 11 and 13+6 wks. If I were you I'd pay for a private scan before you go, at least that would help put your mind at ease. Then hopefully they may be able to do the nuchal when you get back if its possible your dates are a little out.