Any january babies left to make an appearance?


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2011
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The title says it all really, are there any january babies left to make an appearance yet apart from my cosy lo? :lol:
me as I expected :''-(

booked for a c-section on Tuesday if nothing before then.
Me - due date is Monday - been trying everything to get her shifted LOL
Me - due date was 24th. I'm booked for an induction on 7th Feb if nothing happens by then. Absolutely nothing happening so far.
Looks like we should all join the febuary thread the way we are going. lol
I really cannot bounce, drink tea, eat pineapple, walk and contemplate the horrible notion of doing the deed much more than i am doing. My littleone is way too comfy.
Looks like we should all join the febuary thread the way we are going. lol
I really cannot bounce, drink tea, eat pineapple, walk and contemplate the horrible notion of doing the deed much more than i am doing. My littleone is way too comfy.

LOL I have been doing the same as well as inserting evening primrose capsules - my MIL called to say "oh she is just like her dad and will be there for another 2 weeks" - major bouncing session and walk coming up followed by reflexology really do not want to be waiting another 2 weeks :wall2:
About time someone had a baby around here I'm sure my lateness has created a very obvious gap!

Was having BH last night but once again it leads to nothing. If things did go off naturally I would be completely unprepared.
I'm still here too! Was due on the 24th, had a sweep on the 25th... nothing, another sweep booked for Weds, MW said I could go down for another sweep tomorrow- I think I will, I'm just so fed up now! Have painted the Living Room and been for a loooong walk today. Really do not want to have to be Induced!!
I defo think one of us needs to fill the gap JoJo. Lol
I had my first sweep today but the midwife could not reach my cervix, going to have another try on wednesday. I have been given orders of the midwife to do lots of dancing. Dont want to rude but she was quite old (but lovely) showing me how to wiggle my bum and dance with my hips it was quite hilarous really. Cheered me up after the failed sweep thats for sure. ; )
Well today is D Day - I have been having 2/3 tighenings an hour since 10.30 last night and although they are uncomfortable and I have to breathe through them I wouldn't describe them as painful - my midwife says when you are in labour you don't need to question it, but I have not have such consistent BH before - hoping this is the start of something :)

It would be lovely to have her today as it is my mums birthday :)
Oh i hope today is the day for you, and dont want to dash your hopes but i had this a week or so back, i really thought it was happening it last about 16 hours then woke up next morning and they had gone. I will keep my fx for you. x
Going in for my c-section tomorrow. Have to starve myself from 10pm, apparently not allowed to drink either but I'm going to break that rule it's silly my tummy has liquid in it anyway a sip of water won't hurt.

Then I get up at 6am to take a tablet, then show up at the hospital for 7.30am. Then the drs don't even come round til 9am if I'm lucky. Then theres 3 planned sections and I could be the last, will be bored waiting.

My OH took my son to school in a fancy BMW convertible that he's bought to fix up and sell. I think that's something cool I'll remember when I think back on these days my son was so excited.

Now I have to get a weeks worth of school uniforms pants and socks ready just in case I'm in longer than I think.

Gonna do a run to asda to buy some big pants and some snacks for when I'm stuck in the hospital.

Then I have to sterilise the bottles I'm bringing tonight and finally finish packing my hospital bags. At least now I know I'll be in for 2 or 3 days.

Definitely not cooking either. Gonna call dominoes :)
Have you always had a c-section planned jo-jo?
I couldnt not drink either, i get so dehydrated it would kill me to not have anything to drink for all that time. Make sure tonight you get the biggest yummiest pizza with all the sides. lol. Sounds like you have a very busy day today, there doesnt seem to be a calm before the storm. lol
Hope it goes well for you tomorrow and you are the first to have your lo. xxx
Oh good luck for tomorrow Jo Jo - just think this time tomorrow you could have your little one in your arms :)

I am still cramping and had some spotting - not sure if it is leading anywhere but have been for 2 walks already today so there is not much else to do but wait LOL
It really sounds like this could be it for u jen our babys could share a birthday!

I hadn't planned a c-section, had one last time and wanted to try vaginally this time but once again my uterus is too comfy lol. They might try and induce me still but I'm gonna refuse don't want to risk emergency surgery its more risky than planned.

* tapatalking from my bb *
Looks like Jojo's baby will be the last January baby this year - going to have to look ahead to Feb now :)
yep- mines going to be a Feb baby. I'm 41 weeks now! MW again tomorrow....

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