Recent content by Jasons Bride

  1. J

    No af yet.

    I am 3 days late according to my chart and still no af. I am going to take a test today at 7 proabably. I know that its not with first urine but it will be with second and i drank only a can of pop. i think that would be ok. My symptoms include... Sore bbs. Nausea (started today) tugging...
  2. J

    Anyone testing next week?

    I just wanted to wish you guys a whole lot of baby dust. It looks like everyone is looking for it. Good luck and hang in there. I know what you guys mean all and yes I do mean all of my girlfriends are pregnant talk about a let down. Good luck, Amanda
  3. J


    Hi Ladies. As some of you know I have not been online for a little while since we decided to give the internet the big snip snip! We really only used it once in a while to check email anyway. I will be testing on Saturday morning. So wish me luck! I don't know if these are symptoms or not but...
  4. J

    I'll be back.

    Hello ladies. I know that I just joined the other day but me and Jason have decided to disconect the internet due to some reasons and we are going to get the salitet tv instead. I will check in once a week using the computer at the library but I know it will not be the same. Please feel free to...
  5. J

    weekly chat?

    Anyone else?
  6. J

    Period after Miscarriage

    Lucy. Fmu stands for first morning urine. Sorry that I didn't clarify that for you. Silly old me! Good luck. Amanda
  7. J

    Period after Miscarriage

    Hi lucy. From all the reading that I have done it may take up to 8 weeks for you to get your first period after a misscarriage. When you hit the 8 week mark I say test with fmu and if negitive go into the dr and they will give you something to jump start af. Good luck. Amanda
  8. J

    Wanting that LINE to be darker!

    Hello. I'm glad that you liked my idea. Now I just have to get a paten and get in touch with a scintist. LOL! The cramps are normal if you are pregnang its your uterus and you ligements stretching to support the baby. I would suggest test thursday/wedsday of this week with urine and then go in...
  9. J

    implantation this early?

    Hello. Yes it is possible for implantation to occur that early. usually inbetween 6-10 days although many see implantation the same time they would get there period and don't find out until there prengnat until they are 2 "Missed" cycles. I would say that its very possible and I would be...
  10. J

    Wanting that LINE to be darker!

    Hello. I am really sorry I know how you feel. I hope that your test is truely postive and you get that answer soon. I would make an appointment for a blood test tomorrow or test tuesday morning. I wish our pee turned purple or our hair changed color or something. Good luck keep us posted Amanda
  11. J

    weekly chat?

    Hi ladies. I was wondering if anyone would be interested in setting up a time to meet in the chat room once a week just so everyone can talk and have updates on there cycles and get to know eachother a little better. Please let me know and if enough people seem interested I will run it by the...
  12. J

    abdominal pains

    Hi girls. Just adding some extra strength baby dust and extra strength implantation dust to this post! Good luck. Amanda
  13. J

    ovulation day

    Hi. Yeah it just means I have to make another romantic candilite dinner for tonight. Just kidding. Last night he made is own tv dinner so I will suprize him with dinner outside and we can eat out on the terrace. Yeah that really sucks about the dr. grr. It just makes me ma that they want...
  14. J

    I'm new/CD 20

    Hello. Welcome tothis site. I am pretty new as well I joined yesterday. I think that with you hitting ovualtion perfectly that is a classic implantation symptom. Cramping kind of simular to af cramps. Good luck and let us know what happens for you. Good luck on your jorney. amanda
  15. J

    ovulation day

    Hello. Well that just plain out sucks. I had a question my ticker is kind of messed up on this site with the time zone It actually still says day to ovulate just not on here we bding in the wee hrs of the mroning i dunno like 2 last night. should we do the deed tonight too? Thank you Amanda...