Recent content by first timer

  1. F

    Breast pump

    That's great, thanks ladies. I'll be ordering my breast pump tomorrow! x
  2. F

    Breast pump

    I'm confused! I have decided to get an electric breast pump, and friends have recommended the Midela (sp) one which apparently is pretty good. However I have the Avent Electric Steam Steriliser (which says you can put the Avent ISIS breast pump in it easily). But can I put the Midela breast...
  3. F

    How long..?

    Hi all, It's my due date today but so far no signs of baby - not even a hint! Just wondering, how long overdue do they let you go before they offer or suggest a sweep or induction? Or is it up to me when I want to try and get things started? Really hoped I wouldn't go right up till due date...
  4. F

    38 week appt

    Hi everyone... I had my 38 week GP appt this morning, and as usual the check was really quick (blood pressure, urine test, measurement of tummy and listen to baby's heartbeat) - I was in and out within 5 minutes. Anyway, the GP said I didnt now need another appt until I see the midwife at just...
  5. F

    Changing bags...

    Thank you all for your words of wisdom! Some great ideas on here - i think i'll have a look at the options and see what I can find. Defo decided not to pay out full price for one though. Thank you all!!
  6. F

    Changing bags...

    This may seem like a bit of a trivial question in the grand scheme of things... but I was wondering if anyone had any advice on whether it's worth paying out for a changing bag? I've seen a few but all are pretty pricey (the one that matches my pram is £50). I dont know if a specific changing...