your name or your childs name?


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2006
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What would you rather do, EITHER have a child and name it Despair OR legally change your middle name to "the" and your last name to "Terrible""


i would prefer to change my names .

what about you lot? :D
Change my childs- Despair Dean has a certain ring to it :)
I quite like the second option [Removed personal information]
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id prefer the second - imagine the kids in school having to call me mrs terrible :D - that would get them quaking in their boots :rotfl:
My friend's OH wanted to give their child a second name of 'danger'.

Just so he could say 'Danger is my middle name!'

Men :roll: :lol:
Minxy said:
My friend's OH wanted to give their child a second name of 'danger'.

Just so he could say 'Danger is my middle name!'

Men :roll: :lol:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: I had to laugh thats such a man thing to say
I would change mine, could you imagine, on their wedding day their vows would start:

I Despair.......take thee etc

:rotfl: @ Danger is my middle name, such a man thing. My DH wanted to change his name to Ming the Merciless by deed poll, could you imagine, he runs his own business, well that would be bye bye to that for a start! :rotfl: He asked me if I'd still marry him if he did this, I didn't even have a intake of breath before I answered NO! :shakehead:
Emmylou said:
My DH wanted to change his name to Ming the Merciless by deed poll, could you imagine, he runs his own business, well that would be bye bye to that for a start! :rotfl: He asked me if I'd still marry him if he did this, I didn't even have a intake of breath before I answered NO! :shakehead:

hahaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

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