

Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2005
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Just wondered if anybody had heard from xsuzx.......i know she's due soon, havent seen her post in a while??

Hope she's ok.

Amy xx
Hi prickleyfairy

Thanks for asking about me, sorry I've not really had chance to come on here much to let you guys know the news.

I was induced last weekend (2 weeks early) and had a little girl at 3:05 on saturday afternoon, We've named her Lily Grace.

Will hopefully post some pics soon once I've sorted them all out.

awww that is great hun
well done cant wait to hear all about it
congratulations :clap: :dance:
Hope all is well and look forward to hearing more about lilly grace.
Hi xSuzx

Glad to hear all is ok and you have your little girl already! You've chosen a beautiful name and looking forward to seeing some pics!

Maybe I missed it but how come you were induced early? Was it the obstectric cholestasis?

Tan x

Glad your ok, a huge congratulations!!!!!!!!!

Lovely name too.....can't wait to see the pics!

Amy xx
Well Done and hello Lily! What a lovely early surprise.

Look forward to hearing all about it. :D
Thanks all

Tan said:
Maybe I missed it but how come you were induced early? Was it the obstectric cholestasis?

Yes Tan it was, we had quite a difficult job with the hospital to tell you the truth we went in for a review when I was 37 weeks 5 days and were told that the guide lines for inducing wemen with OC have now changed ( literally a few days before my review) and they like to keep you on meds and induce as close to full term as possible rather then at the 38 week mark.

Me and hubby were not happy with this as we know that even on the meds the risk of stillbirth is still increased after 38 weeks even with the meds, so hubby our point across as I was starting to get emotional and after about 10mins she went and spoke with the consultant and he said that as I was so upset they would try 1 go at induction at 38 weeks (just 2 days later) and if that 1 didn't work then I'd have to wait till I was closer to term.

They gave me the first lot of prostin gel at 9:30 am on friday 2nd, I started contracting but didn't go into labour but luckly I had dilated enough for them to brake my waters,so at 9:15am on the Saturday thats what they did my contractions picked up and I went into labour at about 10am and eventually gave birth at 3:05pm saturday afternoon.
It was very quick but quite difficult as she was coming out face up instead of face down which made my body need to push before I was completely dilated, and instead of coming out crown first her head started coming out slightly to the side so she had to turn her head as she was coming out hubby said it look really strange it didn't feel to comfortable either lol, once her head was out she also had to turn her whole body inside before she could be completely delivered, but after all that she was fine apart from a bit of bruising on her head from coming out funny and a slightly swollen right eye from having to turn.

we were allowed to come home the same evening so all in all we didn't do to badly.

Will post some pics of lily very soon

your birth story sounds really calming... i supose it wasn't as ease as it read but it sounded like a perfect birth - apart from little lilly coming out a little twisted... hope she gets over that swollen eye soon...

congratulations xxx

did you go for any drugs? or did you do it totally natural?

Aww, Congratulations Suz! :D

I love the name you've chosen!
thanks guys

hayley by the time i really felt the need for any pain relief I was already 8 cms dilated so i didn't really see the point although she still took another 1 hour n half to arrive after that lol.

It wasn't really such a bad birth Just awkward as she was coming out posterior the worst part was when my body wanted to push but I wasn't allowed as the pressure was more painfull then the contactions also I had a full bladder which caused me quite a bit of pain so they had to drain it with a cathita (sp) between a couple of my contractions.

the best advice I'd give anyone is to try and stay calm just concentrate on your breathing ( long deep breaths worked best for me) when you get a contration and try not to let anyone distract you, mine always seemed more painfull and harder to cope with if hubby was distrating me by trying to talk to me.

Saying that out of my 3 labors this one was definatly the hardest, but I thing I was to out of it with pethadine with my 1st and the pain was dulled with morphine and I was so tired (had been up 24 hours) with my second.

suz - do you want to do it for me? your perfect in labour... i'll try and remember what you said about breathing and ignoring everyone else in the room... but if it gets too hard - can you step in and finish off?

wouldn't that be lovely..

Sounds like you did great........i just hope that my labour story is somewhat similar.......and i manage without any pain relief??

Amy xx

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