wouldnt we all like a labour like this!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2011
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i found this on a website and am hoping mine is the same::dance:Wow, Labor? What's That?!

Submitted by Anonymous
It was the morning of Dec 16th, at 8am. I entered the birth center for my induction. I had arrived already almost 5 cm, but not experiencing and labor pains. None at all. I checked in to my hospital room, became situated and about an hour later at 9 am they started my pitocin.

Now, usually pitocin causes stronger contractions (which means more pain). Nope not for me. I had no pain. I was shocked too. Over the course of 5 hours I had dilated to almost 8 cm. All the while still no pain from my contractions! (Although the machine clearly stated I was having strong ones.) Now I did some research on this situation and its not known why it happens, but they called it, " silent labor."

At that point my midwife decided it was best to break my water and get the ball rolling even quicker. That's when the fun started.

With my water broken, I started to feel some cramping. SOME cramping. Nothing worse than "that time of the month." I sat there enjoying every minute to my labor experience. I was eating, drinking, and watching TV. I dilated quickly and within the next 4 hours I was at 10cm and ready to push. This is where the work started.

Pushing was tiresome but after a glorious 30min or so, my son was born at 6:29pm weighing 8lbs 3oz. I had such an easy labor, and therefore I cant complain

I just wanted to post this to say not every birth experience is hard, painful, and terrible. (I usually only hear the horror stories.) But then again my was very unusual.
my god...id love a labour like that,,mind u my last one was pretty amazing! woke up durin the night with not so much pains but an overwhelming urge to wee,kept goin toilet and couldnt wee anymore but the feelin was still intense,sat and watched tele 4 a few hours then really couldnt keep still..good job i went hospital when i did coz i got there and was checked and found 2 b 9cm dialated and my waters were bulgin,as soon as she broke them he flew out..i was sooo shocked coz i never expected that in a million years,there was no pain honestly just what i decribe as a weird feelin down below,it was all over from start to finish in a couple of hours,im prayin it happens like that again this time xxx
sounds like my 2nd id had twingers on and off for the morning, it got to tea time and they were bit stronger so i had bath but no real pain, i got to hospital and was 8cm dilated and mw said i was as cool as a cucumber lol x x

only been there an hour and dd was born x x

im hoping for a labour like that but its been 15 years x x x
its been ten years for me and im hopin my body remembers how 2 do it as good lol, i remember the midwife sayin that she loved it when ladies like us went in.wouldnt it be great if we could do it like that again.i kno each 1 is different but fx 4 us both xxx
fx defo, my MW says it could be more like a first baby long and slow, i then had a stand in and she said it would be fast as once your cervix has been opened its easier for it to do it again.

ive looked on the web but cant find anything about it xx
oh god i hope thats not true about it bein like your first all over again,mine was horendous took 3 full days and had every drug and procedure done 2 me!! i never thought to ask mw about what this labour might be like after my body havin such a long break lol will definatly be askin now.i would imagine tho that like u said it should be easier when the cervix has done this b4..how many have u got hun so far? xxx
ive got a 15 and 16 year old, but was told am at small risk of prem labour as had cervical cancer few years ago so had some of it chopped off x daft thought but hoping this helps it be quicker x how old are yours x x
mine r all turning 11 13 15 and 17 this month...guess i had a thing about november births lol.never even thought i could have anymore so was quite a shock,seems really strange to be startin all over again,the kids will be a great help tho bein older and im on my own now aswell.xxx
lol all november !!! our family are all august xx

im hoping my two will be helpful, im really scared starting again even though i have my OH who is hands on i was on my own when i had my dd and ds was only a year old, so i know it can be hard, i think omg i had my life back and now ill have another lo to look after how the hell am i going to cope!! im sure all will fall into place when he arrives.

and on a good point we have live in baby sitters for that much needed night out lol
thats what i thought when i found out i was pregnant..i really panicked thinkin omg what have i done?and how am i goin to cope,i thought my baby days were long gone,but i feel great about it now coz i kno how much the other kids love babies and how good they r with them and their constantly goin on about who will be doin what when he comes so i can definatly relax knowin i wont be short of help or a break if i need 1.xxx
ah thats great for you x x at least ours are all at an age where they can be a help and wont need watching around baby incase they are a bit rough,

my ds was only 1 when i had dd and i can remember one day i was getting their pushchair ready so we could go out and i heard my dd cry i went in the front room and ds had hold of her feet her head was on the floor and hed pulled her by her feet and shed slid off the sofa and hit her head on the floor!! im sure he was just trying to help!! lol
aww bless,i remember my oldest son tryin to stop 1 of my daughters from gettin up the first couple of stairs,we were havin a new carpet put on the stairs that day so there was no carpet on them and the safety gate had been removed,and as he tried 2 stop her he tried to pick her up and dropped her by accident and fractured her arm!!! he was only about 6 at the time and he was only tryin to help...got to have eyes in the back of your head in them early years eh.xxx
Wouldn't the lack of labour pains make the squeezing it out all the more painful? I'm hoping for a labour like this too :)
I'll just expect hell and gore, and, if it turns out to be anything like this, it'll be a nice surprise, LOL!
OMG i want all your labours!!
Looks like youll be finding out very soon suzzi!! Bet you didnt expect your waters to break today!!
well thought id find out soon lol but not to be, although got up this morning and had more 'show' which was very brown and mucus like gunk which is what i thought it should be like (TMI) dont know where the water came from yesterday, im still hoping that it will be soon as when i had my show with ds i went straight into labour x x
That's good ur having more of ur show! Hopefully it won't be much longer!

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