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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2006
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OK it is official I am driving myself round the bend trying to suss out what to do. In February I will give birth and hopefully all will be well, and a little baby pig will be born pink, healthy and screaming. In April I have already booked for a holiday with a friend of ours - we had to book aaaages in advance as she's hiring out a medieaval manor house for her party, and she needed to know how many people were interested etc. So we booked, got all exicted, and then much more excitingly I got pregnant. Now this leads to 2 things (bearing in mind this is my first born so I dont really know anything about babies)

1. do you think 2 months is too young to travel, and will it disrupt any kind of routine we have managed to get baby into?

2. the hall itself (we're supposed to be staying in a seperate part of the building, but will probbaly spending a lot of time in the hall bit) has a huge open fire... I'm really concerned abou exposing baby to open fire smoke (I myself have got bad asthma, but I know I cant assume that baby will get it - really hoping not!). I know 2-4 months is the highest risk for cot death, and I'm concerned that exposing baby to a log fire mitgh not be in babies' best interests.

I would really like to go, but obviously baby comes first, and as I have no experience of what baby will be like etc, I'm getting really confused. Our friend has suggested we stay in a B&B close by, but still go to the hall, but then baby would still be exposed to the smoke...

Please help, I'm sure I'm over-reacting, but it's the thought of the horrible what-if's...

As for travel mine will be 2 months old when we go camping in France.

Babies love to travel especially in the car, you will be amazed how much it will sleep!

As for the fire..not too sure about that.. I would probably check out some websites.

Sorry this isn't much help. :)
Awww bless you, that is actually really helpful! I hadn't thought about the sleeping in the car thing - well I knew that babies like sleeping but I hadn't put two and two together and realised baby might like the journey. You've got 2 already, so you obviously know :D

I will check out the fire thing - it's such a pain!

Hope you have a lovely camping trip in France :D
The chimney will take care of the fire, open fires to not make rooms smokey.
Think about years ago when every house had an open fire...they were all fine and I'm sure your baby will be too.
We'll have a great time thank you.

I think between myself and urchin we've proved that you don't need to worry and you can go to your friends party and have a graet time!

Enjoy it, it sounds like a lot of fun ! :D
Oh yeah, to your first question...I'd just say go for it! Babies can be quite flexible, and not all babies have a fixed routine anyway, and the travelling will be fine, just try and time any long journeys around nap and feed times, you'll be fine :)
Oooooooooo thank you both so much! Hugely appreciated, I do feel a bit silly worrying about it *sigh* I do react to open fires, - I guess a lot of it depends on the state of the chimney lol, but I shouldn't assume that babie's lungs will be the same. My friend wants us all to get dressed up in medieaval dress for her actual birthday do which will be great fun. I guess I'll be off the mead though (I hope to breast feed). I also guess if we stay in the seperate bit of the house, rather than a B&B there's a chance our baby monitor will work if we get one with a good long range. I've only ever kept hordes of guinea pigs up till now, so I'm really glad you dont think I'm being totally stupid/selfish to even think about this.

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