
Been thinking about you all day, not been able to get to the comp til now..

Im glad they eventually called you back, i still cant believe they didnt tell you in the first phone call it must have been awful :( :hug:

at least you know now and can be prepared tomorrow with all the questions you have.. whereas on the spot with that news im sure your mind would be blank..

Like the mw said its not high but not as low as they would like.. try not to get too worried its still a good result, just one they will offer you additional tests with.. im sure everything will be fine :hug: try not to stress too much, i know it must be so hard not to :hug:
You know we are here for you, i know there are some people on here who have had the additional testing done.. maybe they can give you some advice?

Thank you so much hun :hugs:I agree, they should tell you there and then what the concern is! I have never cried so much & the amount of worry was unbelievable!
I am still trying to take it all in at the moment, but hopefully I will get some good advice from the hospital today.
There is 2 members on here that have been talking to me and reassuring me, they have been amazing & I really appreciate the support and advice they have given me! Thank you so much, you know who you are! :hugs:

Thank you everyone for the good luck & well wishes, I really appreciate it x x x x
I'm so glad they've been able to comfort you at this time :hug:
I hope everything goes okay today will be watching for an update as much as I can :hug:

Maybe write down the questions you have in case you forget something.. I always do that on the car ride home :wall:

Thank you :hugs:

Yeah thats a good idea, my brain will probably go blank when I get there! Thanks again :hugs: X x x x x
If it helps at all, my obs told me that the scan is far more acurate that the blood test. He said that our scan looked fine but if my blood tests came back as high risk then the scan is a far better indicator to go by. He said that blood tests tend to err on the side of caution and therefore give higher risk results than is real.

I hoe your appointment goes well today. Good luck xxx
Good luck for your appointment today! I am sure this must have come as a big shock for you, but please bear in mind that with a risk factor of 1:140, that still means that out of 140 babies, 139 would be absolutely fine and only 1 would be affected. I always think that looking at it like that puts it into perspective a bit more. Will keep my fingers crossed for you today!
lots of luck for today hon! Will be thinking of you and hope all goes well x x
Thanks loads ladies, you've all been great :hugs:

I had calmed myself down over night, but now I feel like i'm back at square one! I can feel the tears trying to fight through, I feel sick & got the poops! I just know I am gonna look stupid at the hospital cos I know i'm gonna cry! I keep telling myself its gonna be ok, but its not working! Just ignore me ladies, i'm hormonal! X x x
Don't worry about being teary at hospital babe we would all be the same :hug:
Just popped out of a party Ellie is at as there is no signal in there.. Thinking of you babe :hug: xxx
It's ok to cry! They deal with hormonal women for a living, I'm sure they can cope with it!
Thank you ladies. We was with the midwife for 2 hours!! We have decided we are going to have the test, I know not everybody will agree, but for us, I think its the right choice. The test is booked for 2 weeks today, i'm scared & worried! I have a feeling it will be the longest 2 weeks of my life! The midwife was great, we have the whole 2 weeks to cancel or phone with any questions. We can also cancel just as they are getting ready to do it! I don't think we will be canceling though! Please keep your fingers crossed for us and hope that all goes well. Oh and yes I did cry, but she was really sympathetic! X x x x
Hi hun. No one will judge you. You have to make the right decision for you and your lo :hug: Fx everything will be fine.

Have everything crossed for you and the best of luck to you both, hugzzzzzzzzz
Noone will judge you at all babe I know I'd have the test or I'd spend the rest of my pregnancy worrying! This way you can prepare yourself if there is something wrong or you can relax thru ur pregnancy knowing all is ok :hug:
Mil been here since 3 and I had shit on the way home from party so couldn't get on earlier.. I'm glad you had a decent enough time with the mw :hug: I hope everything goes well and these two weeks fly by :pray:
We are here if you need to vent at any time babe and there's people here who know what you are going thru which is a great help :hug:
Have everything crossed for you - and dont worry what other people think, it's your baby and your choice. I would do exactly the same in your position :hugs::thumbup:
Just wanted to send some positive thoughts your way. Will keep my fingers crossed for you allxx

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