
Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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I have been really struggling with work, I posted a while back that they used 2 weeks of my holiday pay when Bailey died, anyway I have been back but found it hard to concentrate, all i seem to think about is Bailey etc, Ive had alot of other issues to deal with recently about other things, wont go into detail but its knocked me for 6 as well as what im dealing with for Bailey
I rung work on tuesday after not turning in Monday due to a very bad day and hearing some news on Bailey.. They basically said you need to decide what you want to do, we have a buisness to run
I can understand where they are coming from from a buisness point of view, but I havent even laid my son to rest yet and i just cant focus on anything else but that at the moment
So Ive been off the rest of the week and supposed to be going bck on Monday to tell them what I want
I dont know what to do, I want to keep my job but need a bit of lee way, I dont think i would be like this if we had answers and laid him to rest so things would be different if we had
I feel like telling them to stuff it really cos they havent been supportive at all!

What would you do if you was in my shoes!


Update, well things didnt change at all, I gave them the option to let me go or support me in my needs, they have chosen to let me go, accepted my letter of resignation
I feel so stupid for giving them the option as now I cant do anything, cant claim any money from social, nor can i get another job with all the time off im going to need in the coming months

So much for support from work though eh
Aw hun this must be so hard for you. :hug:

Can you not go to the doctors and be signed off sick? Then they will have to pay you SSP at least and give you a bit of lee way. xx

sorry to hear your work is still being unsympathetic.

Your employers cant just ask you to leave or sack you without taking the correct disciplinary procedures (Unless it was for gross misconduct).

I would also suggest that you get signed off sick from work, give yourself some time to breathe. as you work for a large company I would also recommend you ask to be referred to the occupational health doctor, also does your company have stress councillors or a benevolent society that you could speak to.

You could try contacting ACAS, if you need more specific advice.

good luck
Thats disgusting of your work. I'd contact the Citizens Advice Bureau to see if you would have a case against them atall (ie them giving you no alternative but to resign)

Im really sorry to hear you've been treated this way.

Claire x
If they put that much pressure on you you may well have a case for constructive dismissal - I am sure that there are solicitors out there that will give you a free initial consultation to look over the facts of your case and determine whether you have a claim. Dont give up hope just yet, employers cannot "hound" a person into giving in their notice.

Jane x
I was going to say exactly the same thing re constructive dismissal. The CAB should be able to help you with getting the right information from the right people (or at least point you in the right direction) and ACAS are brilliant with things like this.

I think you only have 3 months to bring a case of constructive dismissal against an emplyer though so with Christmas and New Year approaching make sure you get things moving as soon as possible.

From the sounds of it you have a good case against them with the way they have treated you. :hug:

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