
ok ill get that trial one in the newborn to 9mths age cos if i like them then i can buy more later wahoooo!! OH will b pleased lol!!

ta very much budge!! :cheer:
minxy told me to get the 20Ib to 36Ib size 2 kay. apparantly they shrink a little and the velcro fastenings make it so they can be ajusted to fit a smaller bubba.
ok then, got the bigger size!! mind u,with my little chunks belly he will need the bigger size soon anyway lol!! :rotfl:
cassi said:
Well I guess im a bad mom, Jakob is bottlefed.... :lol: dont use his sling much cause of my bad back..but he does wear cloth nappies..its a start :lol:

Cassi your a good mum, dont get yourself down, i bottle feed and Alfie loves to guzzle guzzle guzzle, plus more play time woohoo
cassi said:
Well I guess im a bad mom, Jakob is bottlefed.... :lol: dont use his sling much cause of my bad back..but he does wear cloth nappies..its a start :lol:

who said anything about anything about good or bad mums cassi :hug: ? And the following is mainly for Freya too coz i know you were having a dig at me.

shall i tel lyou something?

i breastfed becasue i enjoy it and its free and im a tight arse :lol:
i use a sling coz i have a three year old wild child and two dozy daughters and its handy to have free hands :roll:
and ive chosen to use cloth nappys coz its cheaper and im worried about the state of landfill sites etc. Ive had three other kids who were mainly in disposables and i feel guilty at the waste ive created. :(

I don't think im big or clever or a better mum than ANYONE else. I just have a choice and i choose to do what i do :) :) :)

have u thought about the choices you have made freya? :)
well said budge!!! :clap: :clap:

i dont give a crap what other people think,hes my son and ill raise him how i see fit!! :shakehead:

plus those nappies r sooo cool in rainbow colours!!! :lol:
mummykay said:
well said budge!!! :clap: :clap:

i dont give a crap what other people think,hes my son and ill raise him how i see fit!! :shakehead:

plus those nappies r sooo cool in rainbow colours!!! :lol:

i know! ive only got the plain white ones though but i intend getting some fancy wraps! :cheer:
TinaOct said:
I use little lambs on Gabriella (but disposables at night), she is breastfed and I want a sling :D :D

This is the latest sling i ordered Tina. I did measure but when it came it was much too big so the lovely seller told me to send it back and is making me one up made to measure at no extra cost even for postage. The sling was lovely quality and nice and warm for winter :)

I am going over to cloth because I think everyone needs to do their bit towards helping the environment and as I am not impressed with disposables anyway (they all seem to leak at some time or another!) I think this is a great start in our house. We will save money on garbage disosal too as we pay by the kg to have it taken away.

I use a sling as its hard taking my dog for a walk with a puchchair and my LO is nosy and likes to level with everyone else and when she's clingy and ill/teething it works like magic!

I breastfeed because its free and also my daughter is intolerant of dairy and soy and the best way I can manage this is by controlling my own diet. I admit if i could I was planning on giving up breastfeeding at 6 months but now I will carry on until a year when I can give an alternative to cows milk.

It doesn't matter what our parenting styles are we all adore our children and make them our world :hug:
my nappy are coming today!!!! :cheer: hope the 'bad' weather hasn'y delayed them
I know budge I was only saying it jokingly..lub youuuuuuu :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
cassi said:
I know budge I was only saying it jokingly..lub youuuuuuu :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

i knows you do. i suppose i was just using your comment to vent at someone else :) :hug: :hug: :hug:
Budge i hope i didnt seem as if i was getting at u either I was just trying to reassure cassi, i respect each and every mum for how they raise their child just read back and realised my reply could have perhaps seemed a bit snotty so apologies if i have hun
Alfiesmummy said:
Budge i hope i didnt seem as if i was getting at u either I was just trying to reassure cassi, i respect each and every mum for how they raise their child just read back and realised my reply could have perhaps seemed a bit snotty so apologies if i have hun

absolutely not - i too respect what everyone voices.
i knew you weren't getting at me chicken. :hug: i know you as you know me so theres no problem.
budge said:
Alfiesmummy said:
Budge i hope i didnt seem as if i was getting at u either I was just trying to reassure cassi, i respect each and every mum for how they raise their child just read back and realised my reply could have perhaps seemed a bit snotty so apologies if i have hun

absolutely not - i too respect what everyone voices.
i knew you weren't getting at me chicken. :hug: i know you as you know me so theres no problem.

:hug: :hug: Im glad about that hun :hug: :hug:
We love cloth nappies here! It took me a bit to take to them but now I am a total fan and we only use a dispoable at night. The way round the clothes size thing is to get the next size up and turn up the bottoms! Poor Mel has turnups on all his jeans! If I take him out and put a disposable on then his trousers fall down! I have one pair of smaller trousers for those occasions and the rest are bigger! It's so much cheaper for us and he is fine in them- no nappy rash, no leaks so it's win win!

My little lamb nappies came this morning :cheer: Her wraps came the other day so once washed I am all set! I have also bought two magicall nappies for when we go out and about because they are all in one and the size of disposables so she can wear her jeans and stuff. When home I keep her in babygrows and track suits anyway. I'll take your tip Rosebay and get the next size up in future, she is still in 0-3 months so I already have 3-6 months that should fit her now so that great :)
Thea is a breastfed, cloth bummed, sling worn baby :) She has been since the day she came home from the hospital, i hate disposables the odd times Thea has worn them like the first time we were in England they made her little bum sore. I took her cloth with me this time. I'll never put her in a disposable nappy again if i can help it.

I dont have problems getting clothes to fit Thea because she is quite skinny and long, 3-6 month clothes (or 0-3 in next) fit over her nappies great and because of her long legs the length is good. Without a cloth nappy underneath they would be too big around the waist and bum.

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