

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2006
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Finally my lil boy has taken my breast! Woo hoo I am so happy. It was only for about 5 minutes but I have been trying constantly since the day he was born. As he was 4 weeks prem, he had low blood sugar and would not feed from me so the midwifes insisted I bottle feed at least until his blood sugar returned to normal. Ever since its been getting harder and harder so I was constantly expressing, but tonight I finally got him to latch on! I just had to tell someone!! :cheer:
i gave up breastfeeding after 6 days so well done to you. i had loads of problems with blood sugar to and then my boobs got so full Jack couldnt latch on and was losing weight so i just had one problem after another so i decided to bottle feed.
Well done, when was your baby born?
Congrats hun i know the feeling its soooo great just keep at it:D
Thats wonderful news hun, just keep at it! Well done :clap:
Brilliant news!!

Don't forget the nipple cream and to ask us any question you might have :)
Thanks girls :hug:
Its not going so well today, but I'm trying not to be dishearted. I'm still too happy from yesterday!
kelly'n'jack: My lil boy's 12 days old today :cheer:
:cheer: Thats great - every day is different,keep at it,we are all here to support you :hug: :hug:
nice one! don't worry if your LO only feeds for 5mins, mine has never gone for longer than 10mins if even, think on average he only feeds for 5mins as well! Congrats!!
Well done! HAve you had lots of help from the HV/midwifes? they are there to help and call them when ever you need them! Do you know of any breast feeding groups near you?

Every day will be different so keep at it!


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