
Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2008
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Am now 17 weeks and had another scan today with the specialist to see if fluid has gone down on baby's neck. The fluid is now 6mm down from 10-11mm! :D We're being referred to a London hospital so that little one can have some scans done on her heart, but I think that will all come back normal. I couldn't stop smiling looking at her kicking around in there today! Apparently all her measurements are normal too and her internal organs.

Got my 20 weeks scan booked in January and as long as the heart tests are fine and the anomaly scan doesn't pick anything up then my little angel should be good. Hoping more of the fluid will be gone by then as well!

I'm so happy I might just have to dance round my living room! :dance: :clap:

Bought her some cute little outfits today as well, just couldn't resist... :wink:

Ally xxx
Awh Ally!!!!!

I bet you are so releived and over the moon!!!! :hug: :hug: I am sooo happy that everything is going in the right direction for you!! You will have to post somelittle pics of her when you got time

:dance: :dance: :dance:
glad everything is fiunally going well 4 u chick!!!!
im sure ur LO will b fine xxx
Awww thats brilliant hun, great news :D and yey for baby shopping :D we went to next last night but they didnt have anything that I wanted to buy my wee fella :(
I've been following your posts but never said anything as I could never think of the right things to say. I am SOOOOOOO HAPPY that so far everything is fine with your lo you must be over the moon. It's the best news anyone can get. Good luck for the other results :hug:
Thanks everyone! :) just can't stop smiling today! It's a relief that she's doing better and I can see her little heart beating! So relieved I didn't listen to the specialist and terminate when he suggested it! :?
Awww huni you must be so happy... nothing better than hearing things are looking up!!

:) SO happy for all 3 of u xxxx
Ally im so pleased to hear such happy news, you deserve it more than any one!!! Lots of love to the 3 of you :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Ally! That's fantastic news - so pleased that things are getting better :clap: :clap:

You go and spend what you like after what you've been through you poor thing. :hug:
Thats great hun :dance:
Did you find out the sex at the 17 week scan then? :)
Aida said:
I've been following your posts but never said anything as I could never think of the right things to say. I am SOOOOOOO HAPPY that so far everything is fine with your lo you must be over the moon. It's the best news anyone can get. Good luck for the other results :hug:

Same here! this is fantastic news!!!! good luck sweetie xx :hug: :hug:
Thanks everyone! :) Have knon I'm having a girl since about 14 weeks as I had genetic tests done and just had to know lol! xxx

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