Won't eat or take milk from bottle/cup. Help!


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2007
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Oliver has not been eating well for the last 2 weeks. He used to wolf down his purees, but now will literally take 1 spoonful to taste, then if it's not his courgette/potato & cheese sauce one, he won't take anymore.

I've tried upping his finger foods - giving loads of variety but he's not interested. He'll ram toast fingers or oganics crisps into his mouth, but ignores most other stuff.... I've tried steamed veg (carrot, brocoli, green beans), raw veg (tomatos), fruit (banana, mango, grapes, stawberries). Cooked noodles/pasta. Chips!

On top of this - I go back to work in a months time so need to get him off breast for his daytime feeds.... BUT he's totally refusing any milk if not from me. Have tried, EBM & formula - different cups/bottles. Free flow spout v's valve. No Luck.

HV says ok for him to get enough milk from me with just morning & nighttime feed - but that doesn't help the not eating situ.

He's lost 1oz in weight since last weighed 2 weeks ago.

What can I do. I'm starting to dread mealtimes :(
tough one... do you eat at the same time as him??? If you do is he interested in your food? If not, maybe you should try and eat at the same time and give him bits from your plate.

It might work but it might not! I really don't know what else to suggest.

I don't see the harm in giving him the foods he enjoys everyday. have you tried sneaking something else into his favourite dish and adding different food stuffs that way?
I'm certainly no expert so please take or leave my advice. I have seen a TV programme recently which dealt with children who had food phobias or refused to eat most foods. The doctor who was responsible for remediating their problems said- give them what they want but also put other stuff on the plate to let them play with/pick up etc. Do not become anxious or stressed about what they are or are not eating as this will create more of a problem in the long run.

Try eating as a family. Eat 3 meals a day with your LO by your side- finger foods are perfect for this (as you are already trying). He will watch you and hopefully will mimic what you do.

Invite other babies/toddlers over to have tea- watching other kids eating might encourage your LO.

It must be hard on you so have lots of :hug: :hug: Hopefully your LO is just exercising a bit of free will and will step back into line with what his mummy wants in a few weeks!
I Agree with flowergirls advice (i also saw that programme lol) Hope he starts eating better for you soon. :( With the beaker or bottle maybe you should just persist with it? Ryan hates beakers but ive been persisting for the last 2 months with the same one and today for the first time he drank from it! xxxxx :hug: :hug: :hug:
Zodiac, just wanted to say I really know how you feel - we're in exactly the same position with James who is just a little bit older than Oliver. He's just refusing to eat anything except yoghurt and his food intake has decreased hugely in the last few days. Like you, we're trying the finger foods but he's not that interested. I'm trying very hard not to get stressed but he's very small for his age and I really don't want him to lose weight. So no advice but I really feel for you!
Thanks for your advice ladies, I know all I can do is persevere... it's just hard cos he used to eat really well & it was a joy to feed him and really cute when he opened his mouth for the next spoonful!

Leese - Glad I'm not the only one going through this trauma, sending you :hug: that your LO will start eating properly soon too!

Oliver did eat a few mouthfuls at each mealtime yesterday - more than the last few days at least. It's a pain having to be so cunning tho & trying to sneak in a spoonful here and there when his mouth is open & he's trying to feed himself bread.

Fingers crossed it's just a phase :wall:
We are experiencing EXACTLY the same problem here too. My boy only seems to want to eat rice cakes and fromage frais at the moment. I am really hoping it is just a phase. Our babies are very similar age. I know exactly how you feel, it is so hard and I too am starting to dread mealtimes. We have had quite a few tears this week (me and the the boy!). I am back at work next week. I am keeping my fingers crossed that he will eat perfectly at nursery and is just being awkward with me :pray: :pray: :pray:

James has only put on 1oz in the last 3 weeks. He has always been small- hes now below the 9th centile. My helpful HV suggested we go to the doctors and ask to be referred to a dietician :shock: . I am choosing to ignore her advice!!!

Fingers crossed this phase passes really soon for us all. :hug:
Do you feed him his solids yourself or do you let him do it?

Lola used to make such a fuss if i tried feeding her so in the end i just put it on her highchair and left her to it. She now feeds herself everything including yogurt etc and yes she makes a bit of a mess but it always cleans plus she enjoys it more this way :D

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